Announcements/News Topics & News Service Blog News Events "Novel Game Company Information" was featured in ICT Education News A novel game company profile was published on ``ICT Education News'', a news site specializing in information and communication technology (ICT) education. ... publication 2021.09.06 "Novel game company information" was featured on Net Venture News The novel game company information was published on "Net Venture News", which distributes the latest trends in venture companies. 202... publication 2021.09.06 "Novel Game Company Profile" was published on ITmedia NEWS Our novel game company information was featured on the IT news site "ITmedia NEWS". September 2021... publication 2021.09.03 "Novel game company information" was published in Den Famicomo Gamer. Our novel game company information was featured in the web media specializing in games, ``Den Faminico Gamer.'' 2021... publication 2021.09.03 Terracoya was featured in "ICT Education News" ``TERACOYA'', a business management system specialized in school management operated by Beyond, is ``ICT Education News''... publication 2021.05.14 Terracoya was featured in the education industry news "ReseEd" "TERACOYA", a business management system specialized in school management operated by Beyond, has been announced by education industry news "R... publication 2021.05.14 "Online game company information session" was featured on @DIME An article about Beyond's online game company information session was published on Shogakukan Dime's official website "@DIME at Dime"... publication 2021.04.26 Published on the job information site "Jobool" Beyond was introduced on the job information site "Jobool". Responding to the coronavirus pandemic! We are holding online job fairs... publication 2021.01.20 Beyond was featured in "Job Hunting Textbook" Beyond was featured in "Job Hunting Textbook", an SEO media specializing in job hunting. 10 major companies headquartered in Osaka... publication 2021.01.15 Our Canadian office was featured in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun. Beyond's Canadian office (Beyond GTA Inc.) was featured in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published on January 13, 2021... publication 2021.01.13 « Prev1...567Next »