Representative message


~ The unsung heroes of IT infrastructure ~

Since our company's founding in 2007, Beyond has been working as an "power behind the scenes" in the IT industry, building and operating servers centered on mobiles and open systems, and server-side development, based on the philosophy of "creating and supporting together."

Over the past 15 years, new services such as social games, smartphones, SNS, and AI have been born one after another, and servers have changed from physical to cloud, and finally into the serverless era.

In a rapidly changing world, what we consistently value is continuing to support our customer's content 24/7/365.

"To enable users to use our services comfortably no matter when and where they are" 
"To enable creators to concentrate on creating more convenient and enjoyable services"

With these thoughts in mind, we engineers will continue to protect servers from system troubles even late at night and on holidays by utilizing our strengths of "speed" and "communication".

In addition, in order to make our 24-hour work "more free" and "more interesting", we are developing regional satellite bases and overseas bases that take advantage of time differences.

We will always do our best to help our customers, now and in the future, by thinking together with them and coming up with the best answers.

Representative Director Masahiro Haraoka

Representative Director Masahiro Haraoka