Web system development

Beyond service information

System development that gives form to needs

In order to continue to support our customers' business growth, we undertake contract development of web systems based on a correct understanding of our customers' business concepts and user experiences

We provide web systems with reliable quality and excellent cost performance by combining the rich experience, technology, and know-how we have cultivated in system development, OSS technology, and cloud technology such as AWS.

Strength in web system development
Cloud-native system development
Centralize programs and infrastructure

Web system development image

◆ Features of Beyond's web system development ◆

It has been about half a century since the birth of Internet technology. The development of Internet technology to date has always caused major changes and impacts on the lifestyles and work styles of people around the world, and the trends and environment of services surrounding users and companies continue to evolve at a very rapid pace. .

Under these circumstances, Beyond's strength is system development that utilizes OSS (open source software) technology and cloud technology such as AWS. Additionally, it is possible to develop a system that centralizes all work processes, starting from initial requirements definition, design, implementation, and verification, to load testing, and post-release operational support.

  • Strengths of system development centered on OSS technology

    Strengths of system development centered on OSS technology
    We have a wide variety of knowledge and know-how related to system development, including collaborative development of portal sites, reservation systems, EC sites, and API/DB using OSS technologies such as PHP and MySQL. Of course, you can also leave the server design/construction to us.
  • System development that utilizes the performance and advantages of cloud technology

    System development that utilizes the performance and advantages of cloud technology
    We use cloud technology such as AWS as our web system development platform. We utilize the characteristics and convenience of cloud technology, such as service scalability and system redundancy, to realize speedy and loss-free system development.
  • Unified from initial requirements definition to implementation and post-release operation
    initial requirements definition to implementation and
    post-release operation
    Our engineers participate from the consideration stage of web system development, and we are able to provide all-in-one support for all work processes necessary for system development, from design, implementation, and verification to load testing and post-release operational support.

◆ Beyond's web system development technology ◆

Simply put, ``web system development'' may mean ``web system development,'' but the performance of the web system after the service is released depends greatly on whether you understand the cloud/server infrastructure configuration, technology, and know-how.

At Beyond, in addition to system development that makes full use of OSS technology and cloud technology such as AWS, we combine our technical capabilities that have solved various cloud/server issues to achieve stable operation of web systems.

Strengths of system development using OSS technology Image icon

● Strengths of system development using OSS technology

Beyond's web system development specializes in system development using OSS such as PHP and MySQL. Since our founding, we have focused on system development using OSS technology and environments, so we have an advantage in abundant OSS technology and know-how. Please leave the support for OSS updates to us.

Know-how cultivated through commissioned development + development and operation of in-house services Image icon

● Know-how cultivated through commissioned development + development and operation of in-house services

At Beyond, we not only undertake contracted development of web systems, but also plan, develop, and operate our own services (SaaS). Because we have both contract development and SaaS development/operation know-how, we are able to develop and provide systems backed by user experience.

Program development centered on PHP/framework technology Image icon

● Program development centered on PHP/framework technology

At Beyond, we have developed numerous systems centered around PHP technology. I am good at developing web systems using PHP frameworks such as Laravel, FuelPHP, and CakePHP. Of course, we also support system development using languages ​​such as #C and Python.

System development using clouds such as AWS

● System development that makes full use of clouds such as AWS

In the rapidly changing world of the Internet, more flexible and scalable web systems are required, so system development that takes advantage of the performance and advantages of the cloud is suitable. Beyond develops systems using various platforms including AWS and Twilio.

System design and operation with server environment in mind

● System design and operation with the server environment in mind

Even if a web system has an excellent design and structure, it will not be able to achieve its original performance if the server environment is unstable. As a multi-cloud integrator and MSP, we use our technical capabilities to solve various system issues to achieve stable operation of web systems.

Supports service performance evaluation with load testing

● Supports service performance evaluation with load testing

Fukamill " is available upon customer request We perform performance tests of simulated access loads on web systems to verify the durability of access loads and program processing. *This is a separate optional service.