Server-side development (API/DB)

Beyond service information

A powerful backend that connects data and functionality

We engage in collaborative development of server-side/back-end development and unique APIs, making full use of our technology and know-how in constructing and operating infrastructure for web systems/applications , such as large-scale, high-load games,

By developing unique APIs that match the specifications and functions of systems and applications, we achieve more effective system operation. As a strong partner, we provide flexible support for continuous system updates and even in the unlikely event of system trouble.

Rich proprietary API development technology
Cloud-native server-side development
Centralize programs and infrastructure

Server-side development (API/DB) image

◆ Features of Beyond's server-side development (API/DB) ◆

If you want to link the systems of games, apps, e-commerce sites, SaaS, etc., these services are originally developed separately, so you will need to develop an API link in-house. However, there may be cases where it is difficult for your company to respond to such requests due to lack of technical capabilities, know-how, and resources.

Beyond's server-side development (API/DB) design and develop API collaboration flows, with our strengths in server-side development that utilizes OSS (open source software) technology and cloud technology such as AWS. We use our extensive server-side development technology and know-how to solve problems related to system collaboration development so that the systems and applications used by our customers can effectively demonstrate their performance.

  • Strengths of server-side development centered on OSS technology

    Strengths of server-side development centered on OSS technology
    We have a wide range of knowledge and know-how in system development, including portal sites, reservation systems, EC sites, and API/DB linkages, using OSS technologies such as PHP and MySQL. Of course, you can also leave the server design/construction and database tuning to us.
  • Collaborative development of API/DB for a wide variety of systems

    Collaborative development of API/DB for a wide variety of systems
    We use our extensive technical capabilities and know-how to develop various unique APIs, such as data update coordination between client and server sides, functional coordination between separate systems, and integration of login platforms, to improve the convenience of service operation. Improve.
  • Server-side development that takes advantage of the performance and advantages of cloud technology

    Server-side development that takes advantage of the performance and advantages of cloud technology
    We use cloud technology such as AWS as our server-side development (API/DB) platform. By making full use of the various backend functions provided by cloud services, we realize speedy and lossless server-side development.

◆ Beyond's server-side development (API/DB) technology ◆

Server-side development (API/DB)

There is a growing need to consider developing APIs for linking with external systems in order to improve the usability of systems and applications and improve the efficiency of system operations.

However, the more complex the functions and structure of the system, such as the real-time data update and synchronization function between the client application and the server, and the collection and storage of event notification data from external systems, the more complex the API / DB data processing and The behavior will also change significantly.

At Beyond, we support the collaborative development of APIs with the technical capabilities and know-how we have gained through the server-side development of web systems/applications such as various portal sites, EC sites, reservation systems, and game APIs.

Of course, please feel free to contact us regarding high load countermeasures for large volumes of transactions, parameter tuning to eliminate bottlenecks, and middleware/database version upgrades.

Strengths of system development using OSS technology Image icon

● Strengths of server-side development using OSS technology

Beyond's server-side development (API/DB) specializes in API design and collaboration using OSS such as PHP and MySQL. Since our founding, we have focused on API development using OSS technology, so we have an advantage in abundant technology and know-how regarding OSS. Please leave the support for OSS updates to us.

Server-side development using clouds such as AWS Image icon

● Server-side development using clouds such as AWS

In the rapidly changing world of the Internet, more flexible and scalable web systems/applications are required, so server-side development that takes advantage of the performance and advantages of the cloud is suitable. We design and develop unique APIs that utilize various cloud technologies, including various AWS services.

Program development centered on PHP/framework technology Image icon

● Program development centered on PHP/framework technology

Beyond has been involved in a number of system developments centered on PHP technology. I am good at developing web systems/applications using PHP frameworks such as Laravel, FuelPHP, and CakePHP. Of course, we also support system development using languages ​​other than PHP, such as #C and Python.

Database performance tuning image icon such as MySQL

● Database performance tuning such as MySQL

Utilizing RDBMS such as MySQL, we carefully design DB tables and tune SQL parameters to fully utilize the resources and performance of our proprietary API, and flexibly support continuous updates after the service is released. You can also leave the DB design using RDBM other than MySQL to us.

System design and operation with server environment in mind Image icon

● System design and operation with server environment in mind

Even if a web system/application has an excellent design and structure, it will not be able to achieve its original performance if the server environment is unstable. As a multi-cloud integrator/MSP, we use our technical capabilities to solve various system issues to achieve stable operation of web systems/apps.

Supports service performance evaluation with load testing Image icon

● Supports service performance evaluation with load testing

Fukamill" is available upon customer request We perform performance tests of simulated access loads on web systems/apps to verify the durability of access loads and program processing. *This is a separate optional service.