Please tell me about the security system for cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

We handle cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring based on the basic information security policy of ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001:2013), an international standard for third-party certification

Obtained "ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)" certification, an international standard for third-party certification of information security management systems.

◇ Three bases for operation, maintenance and monitoring:
Osaka, Shikoku and Canada.

◇ In-house network environment for operation, maintenance, and monitoring
are connected via a dedicated network line and fixed IP address for operation, maintenance, and monitoring work.
Anti-virus software is installed on all employees' PC terminals.

◇ 3-shift system for operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(including night hours, weekends, and holidays)

◇ Response to OS/middleware vulnerabilities
Collection and deployment of OS/middleware vulnerability information provided by JPCERT/CC

No one other than those involved will be allowed to enter the office (entry/exit management using security card authentication)

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation and monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)