List of initiatives related to work style reform

This page summarizes Beyond Co., Ltd.'s initiatives related to "work style reform." We also have related press releases and blogs, so please take a look.

table of contents

Establishment of Canadian office

On Monday, November 9, 2020, we established an office for our local subsidiary "Beyond" in Mississauga, Canada, which has a 14-hour (13-hour daylight savings time) time difference with Japan.

We propose a completely new way of working that has never been seen before, by ``taking advantage of time differences to turn night shifts into day shifts.''


press release

Introduction of staggered working hours

As part of our measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, we have expanded the working hours of the flextime system (allowing employees to work between 9:00 and 12:00) to 6:00 to 14:00.


Provide everyone with a laptop

We provided all employees with laptops so that they can work from home.

Hybrid type of office work and remote work

All employees are now able to work at the office and work from home.


Permission for side job

From August 2020, it is now possible to work on the side with permission from your department's superior.

Regional revitalization through the Shikoku Office

Based on our desire to enable cloud operations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever anyone is, we have begun our first remote operation in Shikoku.

Miyoshi City Satellite Office Interview Page

Possible to work between bases in Osaka, Yokohama, and Shikoku

From December 2019, you can work for 1-2 weeks at any Beyond location once a year.

(Transportation and accommodation expenses will be borne by the company)

Introduction of “coaching”

We have introduced ``Business Coaching'' for all employees.

press release

Get rid of your worries about the coronavirus! Supporting mental care for employees: IT venture in Namba, Osaka introduces “coaching service” as part of its welfare program



[Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun] Beyond introduces coaching for anxiety care

Blog article

Introduction of mental health counseling

To support employees who are alone with their worries due to long-term telecommuting or feel anxious about changes in their environment.

We have started using the Mental Support Net provided by Tokyo Mental Health Counseling Center

Welfare benefits/company system

refreshing vacation

If you have been employed as a full-time employee for 5 years or more, you can take 2 weeks of vacation every 5 years.


siesta system

Based on the Spanish custom of taking a lunch break between 1 and 4 p.m., we introduced a system that allows employees to take a 15-minute nap.


In-house DJ

You can have DJs playing your favorite music all day long, taking turns every day.


English training

Once a week, we invite external instructors to give classes. Any employee can take the course.

leader lunch

This is a system in which the leaders of each team go out to eat one-on-one with other team members every month.


Retirement allowance system

We have introduced the ``Small and Medium Enterprise Retirement Allowance Mutual Aid System,'' in which the company pays the full amount and saves the money.


Other welfare benefits

  • Freedom of clothing and hairstyle : You can wear whatever you want except when going out or at designated events.
  • Flex system : You can come to work freely between 9:00-12:00, core time 12:00-18:00
  • Christmas vacation : If both December 24th and 25th are weekdays, you can take vacation on either date.
  • Summer vacation : You can freely choose the days you want to take as long as it is within the specified number of days between July and September.
  • YASAI in the office ..."Vegetable company meals" service that allows you to easily eat vegetables at the office
  • Benefit One : An outsourced welfare service that allows you to use shops and facilities at low prices.
  • Headphones OK : Individuals can use headphones so they can concentrate on work.

Related pages

List of press releases and media publications