List of press releases and media publications

We will introduce media coverage information picked up on TV, magazines, digital content, and other media as part of Beyond's public relations activities.

2025.03.21 A "Virtual Interview" was broadcast on news Welcome back
2025.02.10 "Virtual interview" has been posted in @HR
2025.02.03 virtual interviews has been released
2025.02.03 Namba Keizai Shimbun "Escape from Hijitsu Company Briefing Session" was published.
2025.01.31 Escape Game -type company briefing "Escape from the company briefing session" was published in the Osaka Nichi -Nichi Shimbun.
2025.01.30 An escape game -type company briefing session "Escape from the hijacked company briefing" has been released.
2024.12.02 An interview article with Representative Director Haraoka was published in Japan Quality.
2024.11.12 " Google Workspace implementation and operation support service " has been published.
2024.10.25 An interview article with CEO Haraoka was published in Biz Story.
2024.09.25 "Metaverse Virtual Interview/AI Interview Initiative" was posted on Telecom Forum
2024.09.25 Cloud Cost Review Honpo ” has been published.
2024.09.24 We have released a press release for " Starting sales of teaching materials for infrastructure engineers on Udemy
2024.09.20 " Web Speed ​​Update - Addition of WordPress security maintenance agency service " has been published.
2024.09.03 " Cloud Server Window " has been published.
2024.08.23 “Shikoku office relocation, old folk house renovation” was published on Yuto Research Institute
2024.08.23 "Shikoku office relocation, old folk house renovation" was published in Tokushima Shimbun
2024.08.22 " Shikoku office relocation, old folk house renovation " has been released.
2024.08.20 WeChat mini program development ” has been published.
2024.07.30 Appmill " was featured on the site Movers
2024.07.19 "Beyond's in-house radio" was featured in the daily 7-second magazine run by Shirakata Research Institute Co., Ltd.
2024.06.26 “Yeyou Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.” was featured in Hong Kong Post.
2024.06.25 interview article about Beyoutoku Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has been published.
2024.06.19 We have released a press release for the Chinese SIM service " Choco SIM - powered by beyond -
2024.06.18 A report article about the cloud infrastructure study group was published on TECH+
2024.06.12 "Interview article with Representative Director Haraoka" was published in the Directory of Presidents.
2024.05.28 the global eSIM service “ Beyond SIM ” has been published.
2024.05.24 "Beyond's Organizational Culture Committee" was featured in the daily 7-second magazine run by Shirakata Research Institute Co., Ltd.
2024.05.20 Appmill " was featured on the site Movers
2024.04.25 We have released a press release regarding our capital and business alliance with Amazing Co., Ltd.
2024.03.14 "AI & Virtual Interview" has been published on
2024.03.06 AI & Virtual Interview ” has been published.
2024.02.19 We have published a press release regarding the start of operations for our local subsidiary in China, "Yeyoutoku Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd."
2024.02.08 " CentOS 7 server migration solution " has been published.
2024.01.31 An interview article about “in-house decluttering efforts” was published on ITmedia
2023.12.25 An interview article was published in PROMPTY 's AI Utilization Interview
2023.12.21 An interview article was published in BitForest Co., Ltd. 's introduction case study
2023.11.29 “Opening a local subsidiary in China” was published on NNA ASIA
2023.11.28 We have released a press release regarding the opening of our local subsidiary in China, "Beyoutoku Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd."
2023.10.27 "Escape game company information session" was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun.
2023.10.24 “Escape game company briefing session” was posted on @Human Resources
2023.10.19 "Escape game company information session" was published in ICT Education News
2023.10.17 " Escape Game Company Information Session " has been published.
2023.09.25 "Engineer interview article" was published in Zeeks Co., Ltd. 's media FOCUS
2023.09.25 12 cloud system development companies! "Beyond's service" was published in
2023.08.22 "WebSpeed ​​Lite Plan" has been published in ASCII
2023.08.22 " WebSpeed ​​Lite Plan " has been published.
2023.08.09 “Shikoku Office Initiatives” was published in the Tokushima Shimbun
2023.07.25 “An interview article with Representative Director Haraoka” was published in Mirai’s work.
2023.06.01 the website automatic diagnosis service "Quick Scanner" has been published.
2023.05.24 “Interview article with Representative Director Haraoka” was published in Career Maps Created with Managers
2023.04.21 “Beyond’s service” was introduced on Cloud Messiah
2023.04.07 “Interview article with Representative Director Haraoka” was published in the Employment White Paper
2023.04.04 " Next Generation ADN EDGEGAP Implementation Support Service " has been published.
2023.03.17 "Business partnership with ThinkingData" was published on
2023.03.17 "Business partnership with ThinkingData" was published on gamebiz
2023.03.16 We have released a press release regarding " Business partnership with ThinkingData
2023.03.15 ``Metaverse interview'' has been posted on @Human Resources
2023.03.15 "Metaverse Interview" was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun
2023.03.09 “Metaverse Interview” was published in ABEMA TIMES
2023.03.07 ABEMA NEWS A special feature on “Metaverse Interview” was broadcast on ABEMA Hills
2023.03.06 “Metaverse Interview” has been published on
2023.03.06 "Metaverse Interview" was published in ICT Education News
2023.03.03 A special feature on “Metaverse Interview” was broadcast on Kansai TV Hoso Runner
2023.03.01 " Metaverse Interview " has been published.
2023.01.25 Fuji TV Honma Deka!? A special feature on “Virtual Interview” was broadcast on
2023.01.17 “Decluttering Month (2nd consecutive year)” has been released.
2023.01.13 "Virtual interview for 23 graduates" has been posted on Employment Future Research Institute
2022.11.18 "Virtual interview for 23 graduates" was published in Yomiuri Shimbun
2022.11.16 "Virtual interview for mid-career recruits" has been published on Mynavi News
2022.11.09 “Virtual interview for mid-career hires” has been posted on @Human Resources
2022.11.08 We have released a press release for “ Virtual Interviews for Mid-career Recruits
2022.09.09 “RPG Intern” was posted on @Human Resources
2022.09.08 "RPG Intern" was featured in ICT Education News
2022.09.08 "RPG Intern" was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun.
2022.09.06 "RPG Intern" has been published on AUTOMATON
2022.09.06 "RPG Intern" was published on 4Gamer
2022.09.06 "RPG Intern" was published on Gamer
2022.09.06 "RPG Intern" was published in Den Famicom Gamer
2022.09.06 RPG Intern ” has been published.
2022.06.28 Canada Overseas Training Program ” has been published.
2022.06.14 " MSP services for North American companies " has been published.
2022.05.10 AMD EPYC technology verification (PoC) service provision ” has been published.
2022.04.11 " Webspeed Release " has been published.
2022.04.06 Appmill English version release ” has been published.
2022.04.04 Beyond 15th Anniversary ” has been published.
2022.02.25 “Virtual interview for 23 graduates” has been published on HR Pro
2022.02.24 The article “Virtual interview for 23 graduates” was published in ABEMA TIMES
2022.02.18 A special feature on “Virtual interview for 23 graduates” was broadcast on ABEMA Hills
2022.02.16 We have released a press release regarding " Business partnership with Sibilla Co., Ltd.
2022.02.15 “Virtual interview for 23 graduates” has been published on GIZMODO
2022.02.14 "Virtual interview for 23 graduates" was published in ICT Education News
2022.02.14 "Virtual interview for 23 graduates" was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun
2022.02.14 "Virtual interview for 23 graduates" has been published on SankeiBiz
2022.02.09 “Virtual interview for 23 graduates” has been published on PANORA
2022.02.09 We have released a press release for “ Virtual interview for 23 graduates
2022.01.28 An article about novel game company information was published in ENILNO.
2022.01.19 New features of Appmill have been published on × Web Pro
2021.12.01 eBASEBALL Prospi A League Sponsorship Agreement Signed ” has been published.
2021.11.22 “Beyond server side engineer interview article” has been published on AUTOMATON
2021.11.17 Decluttering Month ” has been published.
2021.10.26 Regional Revitalization Telework Promotion Movement Action Declaration ” has been released.
2021.10.18 “Beyond’s service” was introduced on PITTALAB
2021.10.06 “Beyond Welfare Benefits” has been published on Rikuraku.
2021.10.01 "Novel game company information" was published in Monthly Columbus
2021.10.01 We have released a press release on " Complete transfer of nighttime server monitoring to Canada
2021.09.07 "Novel game company information" was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun.
2021.09.06 "Novel game company information" has been published on Netorabo
2021.09.06 "Novel game company information" was published in ICT Education News
2021.09.05 "Novel game company information" was published on Net Venture News
2021.09.02 "Novel game company information" was published on mixi news
2021.09.02 "Novel game company information" was published on ITmedia NEWS
2021.09.02 "Novel Game Company Information" has been featured on livedoor NEWS
2021.09.02 "Novel game company information" was published on YAHOO! News
2021.09.02 “Novel game company information” was published in Den Famico Gamer.
2021.09.02 Novel Game Company Information ” has been published.
2021.08.04 “Canada Office Initiatives” was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun
2021.06.10 Canadian AI Startup Corporate Support ” has been published.
2021.05.13 Terracoya was featured in ICT Education News
2021.05.12 Terracoya was featured in the education industry news ReseEd.
2021.05.12 " TERACOYA Release " has been published.
2021.04.27 " Osaka office relocation " has been published.
2021.04.26 An article about “Online Game Company Information Session” was published on @DIME
2021.03.02 Appmill Renewal” has been published.
2021.02.09 Virtual Company Information Session ” has been published.
2021.01.20 Published on the job information site Jobball
2021.01.15 Published in the job hunting textbook
2021.01.13 "Canada Office Initiatives" was published in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun
2021.01.08 Orix Buffaloes Yu Takagawa Interview Article ” has been released.
2020.12.01 " Orix Buffaloes Sponsorship Agreement Signed " has been released.
2020.11.30 "Interview article with Mynet" was published on AUTOMATON
2020.11.18 City Trial Japan 2020 in OSAKA Sponsorship Agreement Signed ” has been published.
2020.11.10 Canada Office (Beyond GTA Inc.) has been published.
2020.11.05 "Virtual 1day Internship" was published in Osaka Nichinichi Shimbun
2020.10.21 "Virtual 1-day Internship" was featured in ICT Education News
2020.10.20 " Virtual 1-day Internship " has been published.
2020.10.05 We have released a press release for " Edison Reservation Addition of daily rental/lodging type function
2020.08.03 “Osaka model pop-up for homepage” was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun.
2020.07.22 “Osaka model pop-up for homepage” was published in the Japan Shokuryo Shimbun.
2020.07.22 Osaka model pop-up for homepage ” has been published.
2020.06.08 “Coaching Service Introduction” was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
2020.06.05 regarding the introduction of coaching services has been published.
2020.05.04 We have released a press release for " Edison Reservation Takeout Function
2020.04.21 "Telework introduction support service" was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun.
2020.04.15 " Telework Introduction Support Service " has been published.
2020.04.04 "Kansai IT Online LLC Information Session" was published in the Mainichi Shimbun
2020.03.25 A special feature on "Kansai IT Online LLC Briefing Session" was broadcast on TV Osaka Easy News
2020.03.19 "Kansai IT Online LLC Information Session" was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
2020.03.17 " Kansai IT Online LLC Information Session " has been published.
2020.02.05 "Online game company information session" was published in ICT Education News
2020.02.05 "Online game company information session" was published on Sanspo
2020.02.05 "Online game company information session" was published in Asahi Shimbun Digital
2020.02.05 "Online game company information session" was published on SankeiBiz
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" was published on Niconico News
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" was published in Den Famicom Gamer
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" was published on livedoor NEWS
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" was published on Yahoo! News
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" was published on Oricon News
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" was published on Gamer
2020.02.04 "Online game company information session" has been published on AUTOMATON
2020.02.04 "Online Game Company Information Session" was posted on
2020.02.04 " Online Game Company Information Session " has been published.
2020.01.27 "Cost Cutter" was featured in IT Leaders
2020.01.22 " Cost Cutter " has been published.
2020.01.16 Beyond's interview article was published in Ecological Association
2019.11.22 A press release has been released for " Edison Reservations introduced at over 4,000 stores
2019.10.28 “Canada Office Project” was featured in the Mainichi Shimbun.
2019.10.03 " Canada Office Project " has been published.
2019.09.08 "Appmill for GAME" has been published on Social Game Info
2019.09.04 "Appmill for GAME" was published in Otaku Sangyo Shimbun
2019.09.04 Appmill for GAME ” has been published.