Vulnerability information collection/management service “SIDfm”

About SIDfm

SIDfm is a vulnerability information collection and management service that allows you to identify the information your company needs from all the vulnerability information around the world, and see countermeasures and progress at a glance.

It not only automatically collects vulnerability information, but also identifies the information your company needs from that information to reduce security risks. Additionally, by visualizing the impact of the vulnerability and how to deal with it, the number of man-hours required to collect vulnerability information can be significantly reduced.

Features of SIDfm

Automatic collection of vulnerability information

SIDfm automatically collects and updates vulnerability information from around the world, collected from over 900 types of vulnerability information databases, vendor sites, security sites, etc. Additionally, the number of vulnerability information accumulated exceeds 39,000.

● Comprehensive collection of vulnerability information from around the world
● Vulnerability information is updated frequently
● Vulnerability information is of high quality

Scrutiny and analysis of vulnerability information

The vulnerability information scrutiny and analysis function collected by SIDfm allows companies to efficiently identify information relevant to their company from among vulnerability information and prioritize countermeasures.

● Automatically identify vulnerability information related to your company
● Automatically assess the impact of vulnerabilities
● Automatically suggest how to deal with vulnerabilities

Vulnerability management

SIDfm's vulnerability response management function allows companies to constantly understand the status of vulnerability responses, allowing them to take appropriate responses depending on the situation. Additionally, by sharing the vulnerability response status with the team, it is possible to respond more efficiently.

● Visualize vulnerability response progress
● Check vulnerability response status in report
● Share vulnerability response status with team

“Two types” of SIDfm provided by Beyond

“SIDfm IG” automates vulnerability information collection

SIDfm collects and accumulates vulnerability information on OS, applications, and software products from all over the world. Patch information, workarounds, and other countermeasure information can be checked on the management screen, significantly reducing the amount of time required to collect information. It holds an overwhelming amount of information, with over 900 types of information collected and over 46,000 accumulated security hole information.

"SIDfm VM" performs everything from vulnerability information collection to management

The agent (VM agent) automatically collects software configuration information every 24 hours. It is also possible to register user implemented software (OSS) detected by SIDfm VM's unique automatic detection function. We always match vulnerabilities using the latest software configuration information, and also support manual registration and bulk import using files.

Characteristics by type

Characteristics by type SIDfm IG SIDfm VM
Purpose of use Vulnerability information collection Vulnerability management
Provision method SaaS On-premises or cloud installation
Number of available users
(number of login IDs)
5 ID
(can be added optionally)
No limit
management unit Filtered software host network equipment
Use of vulnerable content
Vulnerability expert support
Use of SRI indicators -
Vulnerability management
(automatic ticket issuance)
Automation features -
Secondary use of information - -
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