[Seminar presentation] Representative Haraoka and PR representative Fujisawa will be speaking at the Flash seminar.

Haraoka, Representative Director, and Fujisawa, in charge of public relations and recruitment, will be on stage at Flash Seminar hosted by the Learning+ Department of the Web Analysts Association

Seminar overview

Flash Seminar Vol.61 [Free] New recruitment methods using online, from virtual interviews to novel game company information


Monday, April 11, 2022 19:00-20:30


Beyond, a cloud/server business, is working on an unusual recruitment method. Success stories of new initiatives such as the ``Online Game Company Information Session'' where you can listen to company information while moving your avatar in a game, and the ``Novel Game Company Information Session'' where you can experience work while talking with engineers in a novel game. I will tell you about my failure story.

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