[Seminar Speaker] Yamada from the System Development Department will be speaking at ToyBox.

Yamada from the System Development Department will be speaking at the seminar "ToyBox" sponsored by the Web Analysts Association.

Seminar overview


ToyBox Vol.16 [Free] Would you like to try using Appmill? Functional introduction of website monitoring service “Appmill”


Wednesday, April 13, 2022 13:30-14:00


We will introduce the functions of the website monitoring service “Appmill”.

If you are worried about the following, please listen to it.

・I am worried about the high cost of implementing web monitoring tools.

We are considering a web monitoring tool for the site we operate, but there are cost issues and a monitoring agent needs to be installed on the server, so there is no good tool that is easy to try and does not require installation costs. I'm looking for something.

- Failure to update domain and SSL certificates

Domains and SSL certificates are updated about once a year.
Because of this, I had the experience of forgetting to update and being unable to display the site, so I'm looking for a tool that will notify me when the deadline is about to expire.

Click here to apply
