Obtained "White Company Certification" to evaluate companies' whiteness

a "White Company" by the Japan Next Generation Enterprise Promotion Organization (commonly known as the White Foundation), the only certification system in Japan that comprehensively evaluates the whiteness of companies. Obtained "certification"

What is White Company Certification?

This certification is not based on ``white = easy to work'', but evaluates the company's overall structure and initiatives, and comprehensively evaluates the following 7 items from the perspective of ``is it a great company that should be passed on to the next generation?'' This is an evaluation evaluation.

  • Business model/productivity
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Work-life balance
  • health management
  • Human resource development/job satisfaction
  • risk management
  • Labor law compliance

At our company, we aim to create a workplace where each and every employee can work with a sense of security and a sense of purpose.

White company certification official website
