Announcement of “Appmill for GAME” launch

We started providing the smartphone app appearance monitoring service “Appmill for Game” on October 16, 2019.

Apmill for GAME service page:

" Appmill for Game "?

~ Quickly detect when "Smartphone games aren't working!" We will quickly notify the game operator ~
Appmill for Game is
a smartphone app monitoring service specializing in game apps.

The computer automatically performs the operations according to the scenario
as if the user were playing a game and alerts will be automatically sent if any problems occur. .

In the unlikely event that a problem occurs with the game application,
engineers stationed at our center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
will visually check the operation of the game application, investigate and report the problem.

When a problem occurs, you
can notice it earlier than anyone else, dramatically reduce the cost of investigating and correcting the cause, and minimize opportunity loss.

*Our service is the first in Japan to provide a 24-hour, 365-day monitoring service for smartphone apps.
(As of September 4, 2019, according to our research)

Service features of “ Appmill for Game

~ Always look at the same things as the users ~
For companies that develop and operate smartphone games, it is a matter of life and death if the game does not work due to a problem.

, it is simply not realistic to have people constantly monitoring the game to make sure it is running properly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Appmill for Game can handle any content as long as it is an app that is expected to have certain user movements
, so smartphone game development and management companies do not have to use their valuable development resources
to check operation. Both allow constant testing.

We will quickly detect problems from the user's perspective 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
identify the points where problems are occurring, and report them.

● Content monitoring on both iPhone/Android devices.
● Automatically alerts and reports when unexpected behavior occurs in the app.
● Our engineers will check the actual device and report recovery when the app's behavior is normal.
● Creation of monitoring scenarios (simultaneous monitoring of multiple scenarios is also possible)
● Manned monitoring available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by our professional engineers.

Preparation and flow for introducing the service “ Appmill for Game

There are surprisingly cases where the content is not working even if there is no problem on the server side.
By combining this with server-side monitoring, which Beyond is originally good at,
we will support your game from both the client and server sides

● STEP 1.

Before implementation, we will discuss the monitoring range, expected normal movements, screen transitions, etc.

● STEP 2.

we repeatedly monitor the same behavior on the actual machine once every few minutes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, based on a scenario

● STEP 3.

If any unexpected behavior occurs, the person in charge will be automatically notified by email immediately.
*If necessary, we
will send the captured image again after confirming the customer's actual device and report the time the alert occurred.


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