“Appmill for APP” scheduled to be released in October 2019

Beyond Co., Ltd. plans to release "Appmill for APP", an error monitoring service for app developers, in October 2019.

What is Apmil?

Apmil is a smartphone app appearance monitoring service. When a problem occurs, it is possible to significantly reduce the time it takes to investigate the cause and take corrective action, minimizing opportunity loss.

Morikatron Co., Ltd. , to quickly detect problems from the "user's perspective", identify the points where problems are occurring, and report them.

3 features

1. Detect problems faster than anyone else

When a problem occurs, we will first send an alert email, and then we will send you the time the error occurred and a screenshot of the error screen.

2. Monitor problems that are actually occurring in the app

Even if there is no problem on the server side, the content may not be working. This is a service that can detect client-side problems by monitoring the screen that the user is actually viewing.

3. The only thing you need to prepare is the app.

Beyond will handle everything from hearings to scenario creation!

Compatible devices: iPhone, Android *Android is only recommended by our company. If you have a designated terminal, we will contact you separately.

Click here to contact us

For more information about Appmill for APP, please contact us below.

Inquiry form

Contact us by phone:0120-803-656