Announcements/News Topics & News Service Blog News Events [Media Coverage] “RPG Intern” was featured on AUTOMATON An article about RPG Intern was published on the Japanese and overseas game information site "AUTOMATON". Article title... publication 2022.09.06 [Media Coverage] “RPG Intern” was published on 4Gamer An article about RPG Intern was published on 4Gamer, one of Japan's largest comprehensive game information sites. Article title I... publication 2022.09.06 [Media Coverage] “RPG Intern” was featured on Gamer An article about RPG Internship was published on the game information site "Gamer". Article title Beyond, recruiting new graduates... publication 2022.09.06 [Media Coverage] “RPG Intern” was featured in Den Famicom Gamer An article about RPG Intern was published in the game media ``Den Famicomo Gamer'', which carefully selects and digs deeper into topics related to games. publication 2022.09.06 [Media Coverage] “WebSpeed” was featured on Beyond's new service "WebSpeed" was featured on Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute's information site ""... publication 2022.04.12 "Virtual interview" was published on HR Pro Our virtual interview was featured on HR Pro, one of Japan's largest portal sites supporting human resources professionals. Article link... publication 2022.03.07 Virtual interview was featured on “ABEMA Hills” About the virtual interview on the news program "ABEMA Hills" broadcast live on the news channel ABEMA NEWS... publication 2022.02.18 "Virtual interview" has been published on GIZMODO The virtual interview was featured on Japan's largest technology information site "GIZMODO" operated by Media Gene Co., Ltd. publication 2022.02.16 [Media Coverage] “Virtual Interview” was featured in ICT Education News The virtual interview was featured in "ICT Education News", which disseminates the latest news and information in the ICT education field... publication 2022.02.14 [Media Coverage] “Virtual Interview” was published in Namba Keizai Shimbun A virtual interview was featured on Namba Keizai Shimbun, a news site that delivers business and culture news from the greater Namba area... publication 2022.02.14 « Prev1...345...7Next »