[8th] Beyond study session will be held!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 19:00 - 22:00
[Countermeasures required! We will be holding an event called
Beyond Study Session #8: Security Necessary for ``EC Sites'' ~ ``PCI DSS Compliance'' and ``Security Measures Using Nessus'' ~ Beyond Study Session #8

This time's theme "Security" .

We will introduce specific methodologies for ``PCI DSS compliance/non-retention'' and the security measures required of service providers when operating e-commerce sites and credit card payments. The security measures required of service providers are based on the image of "Nessus."

"fj Consulting Co., Ltd.", which provides information security consulting such as security incident and accident response, and "FJ Consulting Co., Ltd.", which provides a cloud-based service "PCI DSS Ready Cloud" to promote compliance with all requirements of PCI DSS. In collaboration with two companies, Mr. Link, we will talk about security measures and examples.
Our company, Beyond, will talk about methods and points for "countermeasures against web application vulnerabilities."

We hope that we will be of help to you by providing you with points and examples of security precautions that you cannot understand from information on the Internet alone!

Of course, people who want to learn about security, such as ``I don't know where to start...'' or ``What is PCI DSS anyway?'', are also ``welcome'' to join us!

In addition, after the study session, we
will hold a social gathering (free of charge) as a place for information exchange and interaction among participants, so please come and join us.
(Alcohol, soft drinks, snacks, etc. are available.)

*For details on the study session and to apply for participation, please check the form below.

[Measures required! ] Security necessary for "EC site" ~ "PCI DSS compliance" and "His security measures using Nessus" ~ Beyond study session #8