Announcement of service provision of cloud-based WAF service “Scutum”


In order to respond to the requests of many customers,
Beyond Co., Ltd. has started providing SecureSky Technology Co., Ltd. 's cloud-based WAF service


We believe that this will further strengthen the services and solutions provided by Beyond

We look forward to your continued patronage so that we can respond to the requests of many customers

Main services



"Scutum "
a cloud-based (SaaS) web application firewall (WAF) service that protects customers from web application vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting

We provide web security that flexibly supports everything from small-scale sites to cloud computing environments at a low price starting from 29,800 yen (excluding tax)

Main features


■ Defense function
- A function that blocks the corresponding communication when a pre-registered unauthorized communication pattern is detected.

■ Monitoring function
- Function to record the corresponding communication when a pre-registered unauthorized communication pattern is detected
(the communication itself is not blocked)

■ Log function
- A function that allows you to record and view communications that appear to be fraudulent detected by Scutum.

■ Software update function
- A function to update the software in order to improve Scutum's defense functions, etc.

■ Signature update function
- A function that constantly updates fraudulent communication patterns to improve defense effectiveness.

■Specific URL exclusion function
/Function to exclude web pages that do not require protection functions from protection targets.

■ Report function
- A function to report the following contents on the management screen (using a web browser).
〇 Statistics function (attack source, attack type, action)
〇 Top aggregation of attack sources and attack types, etc.

■ IP address rejection/permission function
- Function to reject communication from a specific IP address or allow communication only from a specific IP address.

■ SSL communication function
- A function that decrypts and protects even encrypted communication.


If you are a company that would like to take care of everything Scutum installation and setup to operation, contact Beyond 

Inquiries/Request for materials