Website monitoring service “Appmill” beta version released

Website monitoring service, automatic, cloud, SaaS, app

Beyond Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Naniwa-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative Director: Masahiro Haraoka)

  • Website display is slow
  • Can't display
  • A security warning appears

We are pleased to announce that we have released the beta version of Appmill,
a website monitoring service that can detect problems such as this at an early stage

What is “Appmill”?

is a cloud service that checks on your behalf to make sure your website is running correctly, comfortably, and safely 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

  • Is the website down?
  • Is it displayed at a comfortable speed?
  • Is there a security warning/site tampering?

etc., and if there is a problem, we will notify you by email, phone, LINE, or SMS.

This service is perfect for website managers and companies who want to easily monitor the status of their web content and
want to implement a monitoring service at a low cost

It is planned, developed, and operated by Beyond, which designs, builds, operates, maintains, and monitors
various servers and clouds such as AWS and GCP and in an emergency, "server support" .

Inquiries regarding services
Company name: Beyond Co., Ltd.
Contact form:
TEL: 0120-803-656