Google Cloud Next '19 presentation video has been released

Google Cloud Next '19 , held from July 30th to August 1st, 2019 , a video of Teraoka from the System Solutions Department's presentation was released.

session title

Introducing the behind-the-scenes of Fukamill, a server load testing service realized with GKE.

Session overview

No matter how attractive a service is, user satisfaction cannot be achieved without stable system operation. Our company's " Fukamill " supports the continued operation of services by identifying bottlenecks in the system and preventing "unintended service outages." In this session, we will introduce the reasons why we adopted Google Kubernetes Engine for our services and the know-how unique to MSP (managed service provider).

Load testing service “Fukamill”

Google Cloud Next '19 session overview page

What is Google Cloud Next?

Google Cloud Next is a flagship event hosted by Google, Inc., and is an event where you can experience the cutting edge of cloud technology, such as creating new business opportunities and improving skills using the cloud.

You can learn about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) as well as the latest technology of Google products directly from developers, and you can listen to sessions from companies and developers involved in Google's business, so you can learn about GCP technology and information. This is a very interesting event for those who want to participate.

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