First in Japan! New service for high school girl entrepreneurs! 1 year completely free “JK Startup Lab” service now available!

Beyond Co., Ltd.
has launched the "Female Entrepreneur Support Project"
to support female entrepreneurs in order to support a world where women are active in the world with "close cloud support"

As the first step, on May 25, 2016, we launched
"JK Startup Lab"
for high school girls (JK) entrepreneurs, which is the first in Japan (according to our research) to receive completely free server construction, maintenance, and development support for one year. We have started selling services.

■ Service overview of “JK Startup Lab”

Initial server construction (infrastructure design, initial setup, middleware installation settings,
FW access control design, user account settings, backup settings, monitoring settings), server costs,
operation support, and development support are completely free for one year (proposal selection can be).
We aim to start the service within one year.

[Press Release]
JK Startup Lab