Wasabi cloud storage construction and operation service

About Wasabi

Wasabi is a high-capacity, high-speed object storage cloud service that is fully compatible with Amazon S3. There are no data transfer fees for data output or API requests, and the monthly fee is about 1/5 of Amazon S3.

By using the cloud storage service Wasabi, you can back up and link data in any system environment, including backing up log data and files, mounting them on disk, and large-capacity archive data, regardless of whether you use on-premises, virtual servers, or the cloud. We will make it happen.

With full support for Amazon S3 and the AWS IAM API, applications that use Amazon S3 can be used out-of-the-box with no changes required.

Additionally, Wasabi's storage capabilities boast 99.999999999% (11x9s) data durability and are designed to maximize data integrity, fast access, and security.

About Wasabi cloud storage construction and operation service

Beyond's "Wasabi Cloud Storage Construction and Operation Service" provides customers with all-in-one technical support for Wasabi cloud storage installation, design, construction, and operation.

wasabi Partner Network

● Beyond is a Wasabi Certified MSP Partner.
We provide technical support for cloud storage construction and operation based on Wasabi's extensive knowledge and technology.

We support optimization of cloud utilization

・I want to make inquiries whenever I need to, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
・I would like to make inquiries using various methods such as telephone and chat.
- I would like to be able to respond to an unlimited number of support inquiries.
・I would like technical support to be provided using a problem-solving approach.
- We hope for timely responses to issues that require early resolution, such as those that have a large impact on the system.
- I would like advice that takes into account the use case, environment, and requirements.
- We want to reduce unnecessary operational costs as much as possible.
・ I would like to receive knowledge that is familiar with various clouds and multi-clouds.
- I want to concentrate on developing the original service and creating business value. ...etc.

Contents of Wasabi cloud storage construction and operation service

We will listen to your Wasabi usage scale, current issues, and concerns about implementation, and provide the optimal plan for you.

After installing Wasabi, we provide technical support to help you use Wasabi more effectively. If you have any questions regarding cloud storage settings, functions, or operations, please feel free to contact us.

● Cloud/server design/construction
● Cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Wasabi cloud storage construction/operation items Engineers available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Email/phone/chat support Login user account creation/addition/change
Wasabi parameter addition/change Technical support/advice regarding cloud configuration/functions Cloud usage fee billing agency (Japanese yen/invoice payment)
[Initial cost]
Wasabi cloud storage construction
From 60,000 yen (excluding tax)
[Monthly fee]
Wasabi cloud storage operation
(available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
From 10,000 yen (excluding tax)

*If you have any requests for support other than those listed above, please contact us separately.
*The minimum usage period for this service is 3 months.

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