Tell me about Amazon Cloudfront

Amazon Cloudfront is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that caches static content such as HTML files, CSS, images, and videos, and delivers the content on behalf of the origin server. AWS has over 400 edge locations, and Amazon Cloudfront allows you to quickly deliver content from the closest edge location to your customers.

If the origin server processes content with large file sizes, such as images and videos, each time it is accessed, the load on the server will increase. If the load on the server increases, it will not be possible to provide stable content delivery, and this will cause inconvenience to service users.

By using Amazon Cloudfront, you can reduce the load on the server while delivering stable content, making it possible to build a system that benefits both service providers and service users.

Features of Amazon CloudFront

● Fast Content Delivery
Amazon CloudFront enables fast content delivery by delivering content cached in edge locations to the closest users, minimizing user latency and delays. By leveraging the AWS global network, we provide high-speed network connectivity.

● Customizable Delivery
Amazon CloudFront offers a number of customizable delivery features. For example, you can use functions such as cache control of distributed content, content compression, SSL/TLS encryption, and domain name customization.

● Security
By combining with other AWS services, you can use a number of security functions to protect content from unauthorized access, such as application layer protection using AWS WAF and DDoS attack protection using AWS Shield. We offer

Beyond AWS related services

● AWS Cloud Integration
● AWS Operation Monitoring Service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)