Representative Haraoka will be speaking at TC Symposium 2019

Representative Director Haraoka will be on stage at the panel discussion at "TC Symposium 2019" held by the Technical Communicators Association (JTCA).

What is JTCA?

The Technical Communicators Association (JTCA) is an organization of professionals who provide instructions for the use of products and services. By improving the quality of our instruction manuals, we aim to create a society where everyone can use the latest technology safely and easily, improving the quality of their work and life. To this end, we will promote the development and spread of TC technology and strive to expand its range of applications.

What is TC Symposium 2019?

The Technical Communication (TC) Symposium promotes the disclosure of research results, learning, and exchange on a nationwide scale. The panel discussion, which will be held under the theme of "Growing Together," will cover a wide range of topics from the basics of technical communication to current topics, and will discuss technological trends and industry trends related to production processes and tools. Approximately three panelists will take the stage together to introduce the latest initiatives and trends related to the theme of each session, and highlight future trends and points to keep in mind through discussion. The coordinator is responsible for controlling the progress of the discussion.

Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Time: 10:15-12:45

Location: Tokyo Gakugei University Koganei Campus

Panel discussion summary

Aim! Internationalizing your website : How to create content that people can relate to without borders

Purpose of discussion

With technological innovation and the expansion and speeding up of networks, the world of business is becoming more and more international, and as the most important tool, websites are required to communicate effectively.
However, did you know that it has been said that Galapagos Japan is the world's premier destination for a long time? How can we, who live in an island environment, overcome the major challenge of understanding the diversity that arises due to race, ethnicity, religion, culture, nature, etc.? And how can you stay one step ahead of your competitors, captivate your target audience, and lead your business to success?
Three experts from different fields will discuss this from new perspectives that are difficult to see from the TC industry.

Discussion points

・ Just by changing the technique (color), my mind (attention to the web) changed 180 degrees!?
・ The world of “sense” is deep and wide
・ What is Galapagos JAPAN?

How can I take advantage of communication opportunities that are expanding and increasing the speed of
website display and environment construction overseas ・What is the new sense of communication born from the combination of IT and analog?
・What is truly the most important thing for TC engineers?


Mr. Tetsuro Ikema (Asia Support Organization)
Mr. Daisuke Nagasawa Mr. A&S Co., Ltd.
Masahiro Haraoka Beyond Co., Ltd.