[Press Release] Reduce waste with “Decluttering Month”! Reduced unnecessary expenses and reduced costs by 2.46 million yen per year

Beyond held "Decluttering Month" in September 2021, and engaged in activities to eliminate waste, such as disposing of unnecessary equipment, saving electricity in the office, and reducing consumables. By shortening the meeting times that tended to be long, we were able to save 300 hours a year, and by reducing unnecessary monthly expenses, we succeeded in reducing annual costs by 2.46 million yen.

Purpose of “Decluttering Month”

At Beyond, we have implemented a decluttering month to reduce waste and create a smarter work environment. Regarding the purpose, there are three points below.

  • By reviewing the time and things we take for granted every day, we can reduce costs and time and increase internal productivity.
  • Cleaning up the office by cleaning and disposing of unnecessary items.
  • Accept a little patience by ordering less consumables and using less power.

Implementation details

cost reduction

Reduce usage fees by deleting or scaling down cloud services used internally.

Additionally, we reduced costs by 2.46 million yen per year by canceling contracts for company housing that employees used when they went on business trips, reducing advertising and communication costs that had become less effective, reviewing orders for consumables and office supplies, and conserving electricity. .

Reduce meeting time

Shorten the time for in-house meetings, which tend to be long.

By reducing regular weekly meetings to once every two weeks or once a month, we saved 300 hours per year.

*Meeting time = 1 hour per meeting x number of participants

office cleaning

In-house cleaning was carried out at each base in Osaka, Yokohama, Shikoku, and Canada.

At the free-address Osaka office, we have eliminated the trash cans (48 of them) from each desk, reducing the amount of time it takes to collect trash and cleaning up the office.

Participating in “SDGs” initiatives by reducing waste

Decluttering Month is dedicated to promoting ``3. Good health and well-being,'' ``7. Clean and affordable energy,'' and ``8.'' It is also an effort to achieve the three goals of ``decent work and economic growth''.

"Health and well-being for all"

...Promote employee health by maintaining a clean office.

“Energy for everyone and clean”

... Save money on electricity bills and consumables by being conscious of reducing waste.

“Decent work and economic growth”

...By reducing meeting time, you can secure individual work time and improve productivity.

As mentioned above, by gradually changing the way we work, we hope to contribute to future economic growth and improve environmental issues.

Other initiatives

Beyond is also engaged in various other initiatives.

Based on our corporate philosophy of "creating and supporting together," we will continue to be flexible and realize work styles that suit the changing times.