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[For the first time in the history of Beyond] We held a formal offer ceremony [Joining in 2019]

This is Kai Fujisawa from public relations.

On October 1, 2018, we held the first official offer ceremony in Beyond history

The venue was the LINE-SCHOOL Minamihorie seminar room, and four people who had been appointed to become Beyond's infrastructure engineers since April 2019 gathered together.

Not only those who had been offered a job offer, but most of the members of Beyond had never held a job offer ceremony before, so everyone was a little nervous in the stylish venue. First of all, I usually wear casual clothes to work, so it was unusual to see everyone in formal attire.

table of contents

  1. Greetings from the representative
  2. Awarding a certificate of informal offer
  3. Self-introduction from a prospective employee
  4. Closing remarks
  5. group work
  6. Social gathering
  7. Group work presentation
  8. Closing greeting
  9. summary

Greetings from the representative

First, a greeting from Representative Director Haraoka. Since this was his first formal offer, he had carefully written the manuscript.

I will tell the prospective candidates, who listen to me with a serious gaze, about Beyond's corporate philosophy and what I expect from the four candidates.

Awarding a certificate of informal offer

Haraoka was confused when receiving the certificate of offer for the first time, wondering, ``Will I be able to read the entire text?'' In the end, all four students read out the entire text.

When I see them with their certificates of employment, they look even more respectable, and I feel like I am a parent and I am so glad that they did. (Some of them are the same age)

Self-introduction from a prospective employee

Next, the prospective candidates gave a 3-minute self-introduction. There are many individuals with different nationalities, some with IT experience and others with no IT experience.

As expected, everyone was a little nervous, but I was impressed that they were speaking clearly and were much more confident than I was.

Speaking in front of people can be incredibly nerve-wracking, so I think all four of us felt a great sense of relief when we finished.

Closing remarks

At this point, Director Morita gave a closing address, talking about our business partners and anecdotes about Haraoka, who he has known since he was a new graduate, and the ceremony was brought to a close.

group work

From here it's group work. We held a "World Café" with two teams, including those who had been hired and members of Beyond.

"World Cafe" rules

  • discuss a topic
  • Create a space where you can casually talk, like a cafe.
  • When speaking, hold a talking object and speak.
  • Make notes on paper of what you say and what those around you say.
  • After the discussion, one person remains on the team, and the others go to another team and ask the remaining people questions about what was written on the paper.
  • At the end, each team presents what they wrote on the paper.

The theme was ``What kind of company can you go to work at every day with excitement?'' Each team had to share their opinions and write down on paper what they thought was interesting or important. did.

When I try to think of ways to get excited, I don't often come up with ideas, and I end up coming up with unrealistic ideas that are true to my desires, such as wanting to be able to eat snacks whenever I'm at work, or wanting to walk because I like walking. It was difficult to summarize.

When a prospective employee says, ``I'd be happy if I could get a login bonus just by coming to work every day,'' that's great! ! It became.

Social gathering

The presentation of the group work was done in the middle of the social gathering, and so the social gathering started.

We chose dishes that would look great in a fashionable venue, as it is fashionable catering. (The drinks are in cans)

Finally, we had time to talk freely with everyone, so both the prospective employees and the Beyond members were able to enjoy the conversation without being nervous.

Group work presentation

As the social gathering warmed up, it was time for group work presentations.

Two teams each presented what they had written on paper about the question, ``What kind of company is it that makes you feel excited to go to work every day?''

A variety of opinions were expressed, including putting more effort into OJT, spreading smiles, increasing what the team can do as a whole, valuing break times, and getting customers to thank them.

Although I knew in my head that I was presenting my thoughts, it was difficult to put them into words, and I was not able to summarize all my opinions, but I think I was able to present the important things that I wanted to convey. I don't think so.

You can't know what someone is thinking unless they tell you, so this was a good opportunity to deepen my understanding of what this person thinks.

It would be even better if the opinions expressed this time could be incorporated into future company policies.

Closing greeting

Finally, Executive Officer Sato gave a closing address.

Sato also served as the teacher for the group work, so he gave a summary of today's work.

Thus, the 2019 recruitment ceremony and social gathering ended successfully.


It was a day that made me feel that as a member of Beyond, I would like to support them so that starting their job as an infrastructure engineer next April will be a positive experience in their lives.

It was the first time for me to hold an informal ceremony both as a company and as an individual, so as a PR, I regret that I forgot to take a group photo, but I will use what I learned this time to hold an even better ceremony next year. I want to make it...!

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The person who wrote this article

About the author

Fujisawa Umi

Joined Beyond mid-career in November 2017.
He jumped into the IT industry with no experience from behind the scenes in the comedy industry.
He is in charge of public relations, recruitment, and marketing, and is also addicted to making YouTube videos.
He is an AWS practitioner and he has managed to obtain the AZ-900 (Azure) certification.
He likes PreCure and muscle training.