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[Celebrating Reiwa] “10 Mission and Spirit” is born in the corporate philosophy

My name is Kai Fujisawa and I am in charge of public relations and recruitment.

We have recently renewed Beyond's "Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct," which we have advocated since our establishment.

We would like to introduce newly born "10 Principles of Corporate Philosophy/Mission/Beyond Spirit"

Corporate philosophy

Continue to create and support together

Our job at Beyond is to support people who create new value through IT.

Although it is not a glamorous job, we believe that it is indispensable for making users' lives more comfortable and enjoyable.

Our mission is not only to provide system services, but also to create long-term relationships that allow for mutual growth by providing a "circle of people" and "information" to expand business opportunities for creators.


Provide value that exceeds expectations through IT and contribute to your business

Beyond's 10 principles

You can't change others and your past, but you can change yourself and your future by Eric Byrne

  1. I consider the value that the other person seeks.
  2. I do honest work
  3. I will work with enthusiasm
  4. i am responsible
  5. I will move on my own
  6. I am conscious of speed
  7. i think positive
  8. i say thank you
  9. i will smile
  10. I will take advantage of my strengths

In addition to our corporate philosophy of "Creating Together and Continuing to Support," we have created a "Mission" and "10 Spiritual Principles of Beyond"

First of all, you thought, "What is a mission?", right?

When I first heard it, all I could think of was Mission: Impossible. (I've never seen it though)

So, I would like to explain about "Corporate Philosophy", "Mission", and "Beyond's 10 Principles"

What is our corporate philosophy?

Illustration of a person thinking about the future (female)

It refers to the future vision that a company aims to achieve

Is it like a dream for the future?

Beyond's ``Continue to create and support together' ' reflects our desire to ``continue to support our customers' services by designing, constructing, operating and maintaining cloud servers.''

says, [We take care of everything about servers] , we are the unsung heroes and can handle any content related to IT infrastructure! We will approach our work with this attitude.

What is a mission?

Illustration of a motivated person (female)

It refers to the mission a company should fulfill, its reason for existence, and how it contributes to society

What must we do to fulfill our corporate philosophy? ? This is the answer when you think about it.

The mission we decided on this time was born out of the various opinions shared by all our employees.

  • Have the same passion for content as your customers
  • Providing a lifestyle where customers can sleep with peace of mind
  • Never stop evolving in search of true value
  • Always discuss with customers what can be done to lower costs and maximize sales.
  • Providing the best service at the best price with pride and pride as a professional.
  • Making people around the world happy by supporting 24-hour services
  • Exceed customer satisfaction

And so on.

The management team compiled these 30 or more mission proposals into the following phrase: ``We will provide value that exceeds expectations through IT and contribute to your business .

The word "exceed" is the origin of Beyond's company name, and our mission is to provide services that exceed our customers' expectations

What are the 10 principles of BEYOND?

The previous 7 behavioral standards have been changed to the 10 Beyond Mindsets.

This is because, similar to the mission, when all employees discussed standards of behavior, over 60 ideas came out.

  • Change from “being given work” to “giving value”
  • Enable constant input and output of new information
  • Not bound by existing common sense
  • Always have an aggressive attitude Always have an aggressive attitude
  • All employees play a leading role
  • Keep thinking about what customers really want
  • Become the person that people say they're glad they entrusted to you. Become the person that they say they're glad they entrusted to you.
  • Always learn and grow
  • Think about taking advantage of the strengths of others
  • I believe that maintaining the status quo is degeneracy.
  • respect people's individuality
  • Remember that everyone is the face of the organization.
  • Thinking about what our customers are paying us for
  • Notice the changes around you.

And so on...

Management team: “There are too many, we can’t keep them together!!!”

So, I created a new frame called ``Beyond's Spirit'' and included the phrase ``You can't change others and the past, but you can change yourself and the future by Eric Berne.''

Who is Eric Byrne? That's what it became.

I googled it and it seems that he is a psychiatrist/psychologist from Canada.

Eric Byrne seems to have created several other famous sayings as well.

  • "You just have to recognize the present moment. There's no need to live in the past or the future."
  • ``Humanity's eternal challenge is how to organize its waking hours.''
  • ``Human life is nothing more than a process of filling the time until death.''

These are people who have ideas about how to live in the past, present, and future.

By the way, my favorite quote is, ``Those who fight monsters must be careful not to turn into monsters themselves in the process.If you look long into the abyss, the abyss will also look back at you.'' by Friedrich. Nietzsche.”

In response to this spirit, we decided on 10 points that incorporate the elements of the proposals we had submitted

  • I consider the value that the other person seeks.
  • I do honest work
  • I will work with enthusiasm
  • i am responsible
  • I will move on my own
  • I am conscious of speed
  • i think positive
  • i say thank you
  • i will smile
  • I will take advantage of my strengths

Everything seems easy, but it can also be difficult.

If you want to say thank you with a smile, you can put it into practice right away.

If you approach everything with a positive attitude, it may come naturally.

All of us at BEYOND will do our best to keep these 10 points in mind as we work!


It may be a simple thing to continue to support the services of the world.

However, heads cannot exist without tails.

I will continue to take pride in being able to contribute to the world by working hard in ways that are invisible.

And we want to create better services together with our customers!

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The person who wrote this article

About the author

Fujisawa Umi

Joined Beyond mid-career in November 2017.
He jumped into the IT industry with no experience from behind the scenes in the comedy industry.
He is in charge of public relations, recruitment, and marketing, and is also addicted to making YouTube videos.
He is an AWS practitioner and he has managed to obtain the AZ-900 (Azure) certification.
He likes PreCure and muscle training.