Please tell me the process of server data migration.

When migrating from the current server to the cloud, select a new cloud/server to introduce, thoroughly identify bottlenecks and risks during data migration, and consider data synchronization methods for databases and content, system downtime, and DNS switching. We will finalize the work process and schedule up to work and operation confirmation.

Server data migration work process (example)
beyond work 1. Interview/definition
2. Investigation of the current server environment *Connection information to the current server is required
3. Adjustment of schedule for data migration
4. Design and construction of new server environment for data migration (machine setup, OS/middleware installation) etc.)
5. First time of data migration from current server to new server (importing full data)
6. Service/system operation check (first time)
7. Second time of data migration from current server to new server (importing differential data) (Import) * Maintenance that involves system outage
8. Service/system operation check (2nd time)
9. DNS server record switching/direction change * Or carried out by the customer
10. Creation of new server parameter sheet
Customer work 1. Adjusting the schedule for data migration2
. Applying for a new server3
. Program modification and version upgrade work for current services and systems *Please respond as necessary4. Creation of
maintenance page *As this will involve a system outage, Please prepare as necessary.
5. Switch records and change direction of DNS server *Or carry out at Beyond
6. Confirm service/system operation
7. Removal/cancellation of current server

*The above server migration/migration work process is an example.
The method of server migration will vary depending on the customer's system environment, so we will respond in a method that suits the customer's needs. *This service requires a separate fee for server data migration. Please see below for details.

● Cloud/server migration/migration