The person who wrote this article About the author Seiken Sato I have a good sixth sense when I'm in a pinch, but I'm basically an old-school engineer.Currently, I work in the Canadian office. Blog article of “Sato Seiken” When LetsEncrypt's ROOT certificate expired, I was unable to access it from an old OS. In Canada, when you order at Starbucks, you are asked for your name (I wonder if they ask you that in Japan as well?) Even though I say Seiken, they don't understand my name at all... Infrastructure relatedcanada office 3 26,454 Seiken Sato 2021.10.07 I learned for the first time after working as an infrastructure engineer for 20 years how to make the display of the top command dramatically easier to read. Hello, I've been in Canada for less than a year, but I still find myself responding to "how are you?" with, "I'm fine with you." Server construction/operationcanada office 21 28,272 Seiken Sato 2021.10.04 EFS has arrived Yaa! Yaa! Yaa! (I compared various Elastic File Systems) This is Sato from Beyond, whose title seems to reveal generations.It has been many years since it was released, and it was announced at this year's AWS Summit... others 0 1,970 Seiken Sato 2018.07.27 fluentd 3 minute cooking how to forward logs to swift object storage Hello, I'm Sato, and I've been playing with fluentd a lot lately.I used GMO App Cloud for a certain project... Server construction/operation 0 1,060 Seiken Sato 2017.03.21 Tips on useful commands when you want to exclude lines that start with comments Good evening, I'm Sato, a man whose workload is proportional to the amount of clutter on his desktop. I have to deal with various configuration files and codes at work... Server construction/operation 0 715 Seiken Sato 2016.09.12