The person who wrote this article About the author Aino Takenaka This is Takenaka from the System Solutions Department! I belong to the Hataraku Project! I love takoyaki and songs. I'm trying my best to live a relaxing and relaxing life. Blog article of “Aino Takenaka” We have been registered as a company with the Osaka Prefecture "Declaration of Vibrantness and Enthusiasm for Men and Women"! We will explain the process from application to registration Hello! We are a member of the Diversity and Work Style Reform Project (commonly known as Hataraku), a system solution... others 3 33 Aino Takenaka 2025.02.18 [Health management] We have introduced health consultation services, etc.! Hello! I am a member of the Hataraku Project (diversity/work style reform project), System Solutions... public relationsRecruitment 7 484 Aino Takenaka 2022.10.20