North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance

Beyond service information

Beyond's MSP in the US and Canada

We support our customers' North American business by providing construction, operation and maintenance, and technical support for various clouds/servers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, mainly for Japanese companies and overseas corporations expanding into the North American region (USA/Canada We will continue to support you as a strong partner .

Taking advantage of the time difference between Japan and Canada, we support cloud/server operation, maintenance and monitoring 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, corporate contracts in Canada, payments in Canadian dollars (CAD), and technical support in Japanese and English. I will do it.

Services for Japanese companies and overseas corporations
Technical support in Japanese and English
Supports bringing in an account

North American cloud/server construction/operation/maintenance image image

◆ Features of North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance ◆

Beyond GTA Inc. ( hereinafter "Beyond GTA"), Beyond's local subsidiary in Canada , we will utilize the technical capabilities and know-how cultivated as a multi-cloud integrator and managed service provider (MSP) to develop services such as AWS, GCP, and Azure. We design, build, and operate using various cloud/server platforms such as.

By providing services from Beyond GTA, a Japanese IT vendor, we will meet the needs for detailed technical support similar to the Japanese business culture. Of course, we can also provide technical support for cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance not only for Japanese companies and overseas corporations in the North American region (USA and Canada), but also for North American companies.

  • Cloud/server construction and operation for Japanese companies and overseas corporations expanding into North America

    Cloud/server construction and operation
    for Japanese companies and overseas corporations expanding into North America
    We provide comprehensive support for infrastructure issues such as cloud/server construction, migration, operation and maintenance, faced by Japanese companies and overseas corporate customers expanding into the United States and Canada. We can also handle corporate contracts with either Japan or Canada.
  • Technical support by server engineers in Japanese and English

    Technical support
    by server engineers in Japanese and English
    In addition to inquiries and support in Japanese, we also respond to inquiries and support in English in line with the needs of our representatives at our bases in the United States and Canada. We provide technical support in Japanese and English by server engineers.
  • IT business support and partnerships for business expansion in North America

    IT business support and
    partnerships for business expansion in North America
    Leveraging the location of Beyond's local subsidiary Beyond GTA, we support IT business and partnerships for Japanese companies considering expanding into Canada, or Canadian companies considering expanding from Canada to Japan.

*This service is for customers and companies expanding into the North American region (America and Canada).
*For information on various services for customers and companies in Japan, please check [ Service Information (Japan) ]

About Beyond's Canadian subsidiary " Beyond GTA

Japanese companies are no exception to the changing world situation in the global market. Regardless of the size of the business, business development and strategies are required with an even greater focus on the global market.

Beyond GTA (a wholly owned subsidiary of Beyond), Beyond's local subsidiary in Canada, not only provides cloud/server operation maintenance and monitoring support during nighttime hours in Japan, but also supports Japanese companies in North America (USA and Canada) and overseas. We also provide technical support services such as cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance to corporate customers.

Canadian subsidiary Beyond GTA image image 1Canadian subsidiary Beyond GTA image image 2

● Features and strengths of Beyond’s Canadian subsidiary “Beyond GTA”

Beyond GTA, the Canadian subsidiary of Beyond, is based in the Greater Toronto Area, and the members of Beyond GTA are mainly Japanese server engineers. Masu.

"North American Cloud/Server Construction/Operation and Maintenance" provides various cloud/server design, construction, migration, operation and maintenance services such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, and also handles meetings and inquiries in both Japanese and English. We can flexibly respond to customer requests, including technical support, direct corporate contracts with local companies, and payments in Canadian dollars (CAD).

In addition, by taking advantage of the Beyond GTA location, we will support you as a strong partner for global business in the North American region (USA/Canada), including the latest IT services and cutting-edge technology research.
Canadian subsidiary Beyond GTA image image 7Canadian subsidiary Beyond GTA image image 10

● 24-hour, 365-day technical support that takes advantage of the geography and time differences between Japan and Canada.

Beyond's cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring services utilize a rotation system that takes advantage of the geographic and time differences between Japan and Canada, and provides technical support for operation, maintenance, and monitoring with manned support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

As a result, even during nighttime hours in Japan, where it is difficult to maintain support quality, we are able to provide the same continuous technical support as during the daytime hours.

Of course, we also provide technical support in Japanese and English. Whether you are a Japanese company or an overseas corporation expanding into the North American region of the United States and Canada, we provide technical support for cloud/server construction and operation in line with the same quality and business culture as in Japan.

Do you have any “concerns/cases” like this Please consult with us first! ~

  • I want to entrust cloud/server construction and operation to a Japanese IT vendor.
  • I would like to receive inquiries and technical support not only in Japanese but also in English.
  • Japanese companies and overseas corporations in North America do not have system staff.
  • I would like to make direct contracts and payments with Japanese companies and overseas corporations in North America.
  • I want to outsource the construction and operation of a global system.
  • There is a problem with the current system environment, so I would like you to improve the operation.
  • I want to be entrusted with security operations such as countermeasures against unauthorized access and vulnerability countermeasures.
  • I want to focus on the original service development and concentrate my business resources.
  • I want advice that takes into account system requirements, environment, and use cases.
  • I want to receive technical knowledge that is familiar with various clouds / servers

◆ North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance technology ◆

Since its founding, Beyond has been building, operating and maintaining cloud/servers that serve as the foundation for web services such as large-scale, high-load games, apps, EC sites, media sites, and digital content for customers in Japan. With our technical capabilities, we have solved many infrastructure-related issues.

With the technical capabilities and know-how in cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance that we have cultivated up to the present, we are providing the same quality as in Japan, mainly to Japanese companies and overseas corporate customers expanding into the North American region of the United States and Canada. We provide technical support for cloud/server construction and operation.

We propose the optimal cloud/server configuration Image icon

● Providing optimized cloud/server configurations

Beyond is a multi-cloud integrator and managed service provider (MSP) that designs, builds, and operates various clouds/servers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, and we can optimize the service according to the specifications and uses required by our customers. We provide you with a cloud/server configuration.

Image icon specialized in cloud/server infrastructure technology

● Specializing in cloud/server infrastructure technology

Our strength is in the design, construction, and operation of cloud/servers used for web services/systems such as large-scale, high-load games, apps, EC sites, media sites, and digital content. We provide high-quality technical support that is on the same level as in Japan.

Early resolution technical support in Japanese and English Image icon

● Early resolution technical support in Japanese and English

We provide speedy technical support in Japanese and English. In addition to email and phone calls, by using chat tools such as Chatwork and Slack, you can check the history of all correspondence, including technical support correspondence and alert notifications from the monitoring server.

Manned support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by engineers in Japan and Canada Image icon

● Manned support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by engineers in Japan and Canada

We have established a 24-hour, 365-day technical support rotation system that takes advantage of the time difference between Japan and Canada. Even in the unlikely event that a server goes down or suffers from system trouble, we can provide quick and stable server operation, maintenance, and monitoring. Of course, all support is provided in Japanese.

Compatible with corporate contracts and currency payments with either Japan or Canada Image icon

● Supports corporate contracts and currency payments with either Japan or Canada.

Even if you are a Japanese company or overseas corporation expanding into Canada, you can consolidate contracts and payments in one lump sum in the same way as in Japan. Depending on the customer's request, we can also flexibly support payments by direct corporate contract with the Canadian subsidiary "Beyond GTA" and payments in Canadian dollars (CAD).

Catch-up of IT services and advanced technology in North America Image icon

● Catch up on IT services and advanced technology in North America

We conduct research on IT services, cutting-edge technologies, trends, etc. in the North American region. We incorporate cloud-native technologies such as cloud services, cybersecurity, and AI deployed in the North American region to improve technical and operational capabilities, and use them to improve the stable operation and quality of our customers' systems.

*For various cloud/server services that support North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance, please check the [ Cloud Partner/Cloud Compatible List ]


◆ North America Cloud / Flow of server construction, operation and maintenance ◆

We anticipate a schedule of 10 to 15 business days from requesting cloud/server construction/operation/maintenance to completion of the work and preparation for operation/maintenance. We provide the optimal cloud/server environment for running systems and applications in accordance with the infrastructure configuration determined by the cloud/server design and construction plan.

In the operation and maintenance phase, we set up the necessary items for daily cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring. We aim to ensure stable operation of cloud/server environments through an operation, maintenance, and monitoring system that is prepared for unexpected situations, such as recovery from irregular system failures.

  1. Infrastructure requirements/specifications confirmation

    1. Infrastructure requirements/specifications confirmation
    We listen and confirm in advance the requirements, specifications, schedule, etc. of the infrastructure environment that will serve as the operating base for systems and applications, and define the necessary infrastructure configuration.
  2. Fill out the hearing sheet

    2. Fill out the hearing sheet
    Fill in the necessary information such as number of server hosts, specifications, OS/middleware, monitoring alert notification destination, etc. based on the requirements of the predefined cloud/server environment.
  3. Server account creation

    3. Create server account
    Create a cloud service server account, assign a login policy to the cloud/server, and set access privileges.
  4. Server design/construction

    4. Server design and construction
    Based on the server configuration information provided in the interview sheet, we will proceed with setting up the server machine, subnet, security policy, etc.
  5. OS/middleware settings

    5. OS/middleware settings
    Install and configure OS/middleware and modules that correspond to system/application specifications. We also perform middleware tuning as necessary.
  6. Monitoring server connection permission

    6. Monitoring server connection permission
    We will install port connections from the monitoring server, SSH login settings, and monitoring agents for the cloud/server environment that will be subject to operation, maintenance, and monitoring.
  7. Server monitoring item settings

    7. Server monitoring item settings
    Set the monitoring items necessary for server operation and maintenance, such as ping monitoring, URL monitoring, process monitoring, and resource monitoring. After completing the monitoring settings, perform a monitoring alert notification test.
  8. Parameter sheet/configuration diagram provided Provided

    8. Parameter sheet/configuration diagram provided
    After completing the server construction and monitoring settings, we will provide you with a set of parameter sheets and configuration diagrams that include server settings, monitoring items, etc. After that, we will begin operations, maintenance, and monitoring.
  9. Start of operation, maintenance and monitoring

    9. Start operation, maintenance and monitoring
    With a technical support system staffed by server engineers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we provide cloud/server operational support and respond to system troubles that may occur.

*The above work content and work process is an example. The content and process of construction, operation and maintenance work may change depending on various conditions such as specifications, functions, and configuration of the cloud/server environment. Please contact us separately for details.

Contact us/Download materials

North American cloud/Frequently asked questions regarding server construction, operation and maintenance

Do you support cloud/server construction and operation for overseas companies?

Do you support cloud/server construction and operation for overseas companies?

Yes, we also provide cloud/server construction, operation, and technical support for customers, mainly Japanese companies, local subsidiaries, and overseas group companies in overseas areas.

Each of Beyond's wholly owned subsidiaries (Japanese companies) will provide services of global standards that take advantage of their location.

North America area

・Company name: Beyond GTA Inc. (Canadian subsidiary)
・Location: Toronto, Canada
・Supported area: North America (USA/Canada)

● North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance

China area

・Company name: Beyond Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd. (local subsidiary in China)
・Location: Shenzhen, China
・Supported area: China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia)

● China Cloud / Server construction, operation and maintenance

*We also have experience working with customers from overseas companies such as Germany and Turkey. Please contact us separately for details.

Is there a volume discount for monthly costs for operation, maintenance and monitoring?

Is there a volume discount for monthly costs for operation, maintenance and monitoring?

If there are a large number of servers (hosts) or roles that are subject to cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring, volume discounts may be applicable.

Please contact us using the contact form

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Do I need to pay an initial fee even if I take over operation, maintenance, and monitoring from my company or another company?

Do I need to pay an initial fee even if I take over operation, maintenance, and monitoring from my company or another company?

Yes, an initial fee from Beyond is required.

Even when inheriting a server environment from your own company or another company, the following initial work is involved.

◇ Installing Beyond's monitoring server (Zabbix) agent on the server environment to be monitored
◇ Setting alert thresholds for the monitoring server
◇ Examining the settings of the existing server environment

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Is it possible to conclude a contract to use the service?

Is it possible to conclude a contract to use the service?

◇ In the case of cloud/server construction and operation/maintenance/monitoring services,
the contract will be based on the contents of " Server Support Terms of Use "

◇ In the case of contracted system development
, a separate contract will be concluded upon conclusion of a development outsourcing contract.

Is it possible to define system requirements for cloud/server design and construction?

Is it possible to define system requirements for cloud/server design and construction?

Yes, we will listen to and advise you on the system specifications and security requirements of your services and applications, and define the prerequisites for the cloud/server environment.

However, please note that we do not conduct frequent requirements definition meetings (participation in regular meetings) or create requirements definition documents.

● Cloud/server design/construction
● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server migration/migration

Is emergency contact/technical support available by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?

Is emergency contact/technical support available by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?

Yes, at Beyond, our server engineers work in three shifts, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to operate, maintain, and monitor cloud/servers, so we can provide technical support over the phone even in the early morning or late night hours. We are compatible. Of course, we also provide technical support via email and chat.

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS cloud integration
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Is it possible to continue supporting the current server environment?

Is it possible to continue supporting the current server environment?

Yes, it is possible for customers to entrust the cloud and server environments that are already in operation as they are, and Beyond to take over and perform operation, maintenance, and monitoring. In that case, we will install and configure Zabbix

Additionally, during Beyond's operation maintenance and monitoring, if there appears to be a problem with the settings or performance of the customer's infrastructure environment, we will suggest parameter resetting or tuning to improve infrastructure operations. Masu.

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation and monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Please tell me how to request a quote for your service.

Please tell me how to request a quote for your service.

Please feel free to contact us using the contact form

After confirming the content of your inquiry, a representative will contact you within 1-2 business days (weekdays).

Please tell me the lineup of compatible clouds/servers.

Please tell me the lineup of compatible clouds/servers.

Regardless of the cloud/server platform, such as AWS, Google Cloud (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud (OCI), IDCF Cloud, etc., we provide the optimal cloud/server environment according to customer needs. Please leave the construction and operation of a multi-cloud configuration to us.

Please see below for details on compatible clouds/servers.

● List of cloud partners/cloud compatibility
● List of cyber security compatibility

Please tell me about the security system for cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

Please tell me about the security system for cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

We handle cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring based on the basic information security policy of ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001:2013), an international standard for third-party certification

Obtained "ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)" certification, an international standard for third-party certification of information security management systems.

◇ Three bases for operation, maintenance and monitoring:
Osaka, Shikoku and Canada.

◇ In-house network environment for operation, maintenance, and monitoring
are connected via a dedicated network line and fixed IP address for operation, maintenance, and monitoring work.
Anti-virus software is installed on all employees' PC terminals.

◇ 3-shift system for operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(including night hours, weekends, and holidays)

◇ Response to OS/middleware vulnerabilities
Collection and deployment of OS/middleware vulnerability information provided by JPCERT/CC

No one other than those involved will be allowed to enter the office (entry/exit management using security card authentication)

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation and monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Can you help me migrate server data from an existing server?

Can you help me migrate server data from an existing server?

Yes, we accept work to migrate server data from on-premises, physical servers, and legacy system environments to cloud environments.

In addition to migrating data to a new cloud environment, we also thoroughly check whether the data in the database is reflected without any problems and whether there are any problems with the operation of services and content.

*Please note that a separate server data migration fee is required for server data migration.

● Cloud/server migration/migration

Please tell me the monitoring tools for operation and maintenance/monitoring.

Please tell me the monitoring tools for operation and maintenance/monitoring.

The monitoring tool used for cloud server operation, maintenance, and monitoring uses Zabbix

* Amazon CloudWatch is also available upon customer request.

● Cloud/server operation and maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation and monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance

What kind of applications are the services provided by Beyond suitable for?

What kind of applications are the services provided by Beyond suitable for?

Web services such as games, apps, EC sites, media sites, and digital content require speed and flexibility, and are suitable for companies that operate services that are directly linked to sales, and for content development and management. This is probably suitable for companies that want to concentrate, or companies that do not have a server administrator in the first place.

Additionally, there is a tendency for companies facing such issues to outsource their services to MSPs (managed service providers) like Beyond, which specialize in cloud/server construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

● Cloud / server design and construction
● Cloud / server operation maintenance and monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud / server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS cloud integration
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server migration/migration
● North American cloud/server construction/operation/maintenance

Does it support the construction and operation of large-scale infrastructure?

Does it support the construction and operation of large-scale infrastructure?

Yes, we specialize in the construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of infrastructure environments used for large-scale web service systems.

We support the design, construction, and 24/7 operation, maintenance, and monitoring of infrastructure environments involving dozens or hundreds of servers (hosts). Of course, if the minimum number of servers is required, we can accept orders from just one server.

● Cloud / server design and construction
● Cloud / server operation maintenance and monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud / server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS cloud integration
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server migration/migration
● North American cloud/server construction/operation/maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions See list