[Flexible response to increase/decrease of AWS instances] Auction system | hm solution

When building an "auction site" for a client, we needed an environment that could balance the load during sudden accesses and handle temporary increases and decreases in servers (instances).

As for the server environment, we were considering implementing the cloud platform AWS, but due to the hassle associated with cloud construction and operation and because we wanted to concentrate on content creation and operation, we decided it would be necessary to outsource to an external server company. there was.

Additionally, depending on the usage status of the auction system, it may be necessary to add more servers at short notice, so we were looking for a server company that could respond flexibly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and that was good at large-scale server operations. However, we received a request from Beyond.

Currently, we are using the AWS platform to build and operate not only the auction system, but also services such as ``sales support systems'' and ``unwanted goods purchasing sites'' for other clients.

Company Name hm solution Co., Ltd.
Business details Kobe Homepage Production Center (website planning and production, system and application development)
Homepage Update Center (homepage update service that can be ordered online)
Purpose of use Auction sites etc.
server environment Amazon Web Services (AWS)
cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring