[Migration (server migration)] Sun Electronics

IDCF's cloud migration automatic service (VM import) , Beyond creates an image from the physical server of your data center environment, imports it to the IDCF cloud, reconfigures the network after starting the server, and starts the server. We provide one-stop support for confirmation.

Beyond also supported the final service migration, including exporting/importing DB data between the old and new environments. There were technical hurdles that could not be solved by simply migrating data, such as the OS version of the server migration source being old and some of the programs running internally being black boxes, but with the cooperation of our customers. From the investigation to the completion of the migration, we were able to respond in about a month and a half.

Company Name Sun Electronics Co., Ltd.
 Industry Mobile data solution business
Others (M2M business, game content business)
Game console parts business
Hall system business
Purpose of use Server migration (P2V)
server environment IDCF Cloud
Cloud/Server operation maintenance/monitoring