The person who wrote this article About the author Waggi I was born and raised in Osaka ever since I was born. I'm Kashiwagi, a talkative person with flashy hair. I like anime, manga, and games. “Wagi” blog article [New Graduates] What changes occurred in new graduate employees that they noticed at the end of the year? Changes that happened to a new graduate employee after working for 8 months Before I knew it, it was the end of the year and I was a big fan of Toshikoshi Soba. Last time, before joining the company, I talked about... public relationsRecruitmentOsaka office 7 424 Waggi 2023.12.22 [New graduate] Things I wanted to learn before joining the company after my first year in the workforce Things I wish I had learned before joining the company Nice to meet you, I'm [Wagi]. I actually tried working as a new graduate in my first year, and what happened... public relationsRecruitment 11 470 Waggi 2023.11.14