Copy tasks from ChatWork to Backlog
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Hello, this is Goto from the Web System Development Department.
Our company uses ChatWork, and even if tasks are assigned on ChatWork,
if there are a large number of tasks, they may get lost, or it may be difficult to understand priorities, deadlines, etc.
On the other hand, Backlog allows you to manage tasks using a Gantt chart, making it easy to understand deadlines, importance levels, etc.
So, I wrote
a process to move tasks from ChatWork to Backlog so I hope it will be helpful for those who are trying to use ChatWork API or Backlog API.
I will introduce each function.
1. Get tasks from ChatWork
Four pieces of information are required to retrieve tasks from ChatWork.
- Account ID of the person assigned the task
- Account ID of the person who assigned the task
- ID of the chat room where the task was assigned
- Selecting completed or uncompleted tasks
Each of these information can be obtained from below.
- The number after To: for the person assigned the task
- The number after To: to the person who assigned the task
-!ridThe numbers here (rid is not required)
- Completed done : Not completed open
By attaching these to the URL as GET parameters and making a request, task information will be returned in json format.
1 | function get_tasks_from_cw( $account_id , $assigned_by_account_id , $room_id ){ $params = array ( 'account_id' = $account_id , //ID of the person assigned the task 'assigned_by_account_id' = $assigned_by_account_id, //ID of the person assigned the task ID 'status' = 'open', //unfinished tasks ); $url = ''.$room_id.'/tasks?'.http_build_query($params ); $headers = array( 'http' => array( 'method' = 'GET', 'header' = implode("rn", $headers), ) ); $json_cw_tasks = file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create ($context)); return json_decode($json_cw_tasks); } |
2. Register the issue to Backlog
The following items are required to register to Backlog.
- ID of the registered project
- ID of issue type
- priority
- Assignment subject
Set these as shown below.
- The ID of the registered project is determined from the URL of the project's "Project Settings" page. here
- For assignment types, see 2-a.
- Priority 2 is high, 3 is medium, 4 is low
- Feel free to choose the subject
1 | function add_task_to_backlog( $task , $project_id , $backlog_api_key ){ $issue_type_id = get_issue_type_id_of_tasks( $project_id ); //Get issueTypeId of the task mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); $params = array( 'projectId' = $project_id, 'issueTypeId' = $issue_type_id, 'priorityId' = 3, //Priority medium 'summary' = 'Task from ChatWork', 'description' = $task['body'], //Contents of the issue to be registered (CW Task text (body)) ); $url = ''.$backlog_api_key'&'.http_build_query($params, '&' ); $header = array('Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $context= array( 'http' => array( 'method' = 'POST', 'header' = $header , 'ignore_errors' = true, ) ); file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($context)); } |
2-a. Get the issueTypeId of the issue type "task"
The type of issue depends on the project, so get the issueTypeId for that project from the API.
This time, we will get the issueTypeid of the type "task".
*There is no need to use curl here. I just tried it.
1 | function get_issue_type_id_of_tasks( $project_id , $backlog_api_key ){ $param = array ( 'apiKey' = $backlog_api_key ); $url = '' . $project_id . '/ issueTypes?' .http_build_query( $param ); $ch = curl_init(); $options = array ( CURLOPT_URL = $url , CURLOPT_HTTPGET = true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER = array ( 'HTTP/1.0' , 'Content-Type: application/x- www-form-urlencoded' , ), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER = true, ); curl_setopt_array( $ch , $options ); $issue_type_json = curl_exec( $ch ); $issue_types = json_decode( $issue_type_json ); The return value is the ID of the "task" . foreach ( $issue_types as $issue_type ) { if ( $issue_type ->name == 'task' ){ $issu_type = $issue_type ->id; } } return $issu_type ; } |
It's roughly like this.
ChatWork's tasks can get the due date as a timestamp from the limit_time element, so
I think it would be convenient to convert it when registering the backlog and put it in the dueDate parameter and register it so you can copy the due date as well.
Please try expanding it.