Tips for trouble with password validation in Postfix Admin
This is Yamada from the Systems Department.
If you are using Postfix as your mail server,
"Postfix Admin" allows you to easily manage virtual domains and email accounts with a GUI.
I think this tool is used not only by server administrators but also by people who have set up a small mail server at home, but
I would like to note that I had a little trouble creating an email account with this tool.
When I tried to add an email account to a domain using Postfix Admin,
I had to add a very simple password of about 4 digits, but I got
an error saying "Please use a 5 character password". was thrown up.
Huh? ? ? Did you put such a restriction in Postfix? ? ? ?
Is this problem caused by Postfix Admin? ? ?
I tried searching for ``Postfix Admin password restrictions,'' but I couldn't find much good information. . .
So I'm going to take a look at the Postfix Admin configuration file.
The configuration file is below
[Document root]/postfixadmin/
In the center of this file is something like this
// Password validation $CONF['password_validation'] = array( # '/regular expression/' => '$PALANG key (optional: + parameter)', '/.{5}/' => 'password_too_short 5', # minimum length 5 characters '/([a-zA-Z].*){3}/' => 'password_no_characters 3', # must contain at least 3 characters '/([0-9].*){2 }/' => 'password_no_digits 2', # must contain at least 2 digits );
That's true.
You can create password validation rules one by one using regular expressions and
rules are:
5 or more characters
from the top, 3 or more alphanumeric characters (uppercase or lowercase),
and 2 or more numbers Click here for an explanation of regular expressions
Now, let's change and comment out the unnecessary parts.
// Password validation $CONF['password_validation'] = array( # '/regular expression/' => '$PALANG key (optional: + parameter)', '/.{4}/' => 'password_too_short 4', # minimum length 3 characters ←This time keep it to 4 characters # '/([a-zA-Z].*){3}/' => 'password_no_characters 3', # must contain at least 3 characters ←Comment out this # '/([0-9].*){2}/' => 'password_no_digits 2', # must contain at least 2 digits ←Comment out this too);
Now you can change the password validation.
Since you are editing a PHP file, there is no need to restart Apache.
If you are worried about more detailed mail server settings,
you don't have to manage the mail server! ! If you are interested, please give it a shot here ! ! !