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"Infrastructure and development, two pillars...!" A development base opens in Yokohama

This is Kai Fujisawa from public relations.

opened development base Yokohama on September 1, 2019 !

our company mainly operates MSP business we also focus on game API development and web system development As we expand our business in the Kanto region, we will also establish a development base in Yokohama and carry out full-scale development work.

So, this time we asked two new members of the Yokohama office about various things about the future of the development base

I was a little nervous as both of them are legends who came from the world of development, but I was able to have a calm interview with them since we had gone to Koshien together to watch the Hanshin game.

Freshly built Yokohama office

Today, we will be asking a lot of questions to find out more about the two people at our Yokohama office. thank you!

First of all, please tell us about the work you are currently responsible for.

I'm currently doing business.

Physically creating an office.


Physically? (lol)

▼Mr. Matsuyama has been assembling furniture such as bookshelves and desks since the office opened.

I also help manage the progress of development projects and develop Appmill for GAME

Mr. Dai is the project leader for Apmil.

Appmill for GAME, Japan's first app monitoring service that received a great response at Tokyo Game Show 2019

But I'll leave it to Osaka. I guess I go out a lot now.

Hands-on business.

It really hits me. Hit it and break it.

Don't let it break.

Dai-san goes out a lot...! What about responding to inquiries?

That's right, we generally respond to inquiries from the Kanto area.

Beyond has many young people.

▼What happened when we went to Koshien Stadium to watch Hanshin VS DeNA at an in-house social gathering. After extra time, the game ended in a draw.

Has the image of the company changed since you joined Beyond?

Hmm, nothing has changed, not much. Just like the image.

I see, what kind of image did you get?

An interesting company with a Kansai vibe.

At first, I thought it was all about the Kansai atmosphere, but I found that everyone was surprisingly serious.

Also sales members?

Ah, I guess that's the Kansai spirit (lol)

Certainly (lol)

Mr. Haraoka (representative) is a good neutralizer.

Also, there are a lot of interesting young people. Before I joined the company, I only knew the upper management.

Some people are wearing sunglasses even though they're indoors, so I don't really understand. I wonder what he's doing (lol)

▼Okazaki, Sub-Leader, Operations Management Section, System Solutions Department, wears sunglasses to work because he wanted to wear them.

I think there are a lot of young people out there who are willing to tinker with things like this. It's good that there are so many young people.

The majority of people in our company are in their 20s.

Also, sales are strong.


Since I've been doing sales alone for the past 10 years or so, I've never consulted with other salespeople. I think it's a good stimulus to be able to work with such talented sales people, and I'm depressed because I'm keenly aware of my own inadequacies.

Is that so? (lol)

Although it's not dented (lol)

In the case of Beyond, do you work together rather than independently?

I agree. It's like we're all trying to come up with numbers. That includes engineers. I think that's good.

Making Yokohama a full-fledged development base

Please tell us what you are currently working on at the Yokohama office and what you plan to do in the future.

It's only just been built, so there are a lot of things to do, but first I want to turn it into a full-fledged development base.

I think we'll have to seriously think about how to organize the system going forward.

We are also considering employment in Yokohama.

I am learning server-side development through Appmill for GAME.

Regarding Apmil, how do you collaborate with the development team in Osaka?

I go to Osaka if I have something to do, and I don't think I go there regularly.

There seems to be a lot of use for it.

How is communication with the development team in Osaka? You often have meetings.

I do this twice a day, with meetings with the entire development team and meetings with leaders.

Mr. Matsuyama, I heard that you were managing project progress at your previous company, but are you still assisting the development team in Osaka?

Well, I'll explain how to proceed and ask them to do their best.

I'll try my best (lol)

It's quite difficult, isn't it? If you have just joined the company, you are not in a position to say that you are confident. So I suggested, ``How about this way?'' and I said, ``Let's do it.''

I see. Mr. Matsuyama, what kind of development are you in charge of?

I'm basically the only one working on Apmil, so I'm working hard on it.

I'm doing it alone and looking lonely. So please come visit us from Osaka.

Dai-san goes out a lot. During lunchtime, I often don't even look at the monitor.

▼Daily lunch meetings are held online. (Bottom left is Yokohama office)

When I talk about today's plans at lunchtime, I usually say it. ``Oi-san isn't here.''

I hear that line often (lol)

I'm sorry...! I have appointments almost every day.

Infrastructure and development require different knowledge!

Mr. Dai said before that ``Infrastructure sales are difficult.''

Yeah, it's more difficult than I thought.

I heard that you previously worked in development sales, but is infrastructure and development really that different?

I thought I would understand infrastructure since I worked in development, but I guess I don't.

law. Why is that?

The knowledge is completely different. Infrastructure is a set service for a set price, so I guess the difference from development is that it combines those services.

I see.

For development, all you had to do was say, ``I want to do something like this'' to an engineer, but with Beyond, the sales team makes the estimates. That's the biggest hurdle right now.

Did you ever make any estimates while working in development sales?

That was done by an engineer.

That's right.

I think it's amazing that Beyond's sales staff do everything in their power. I think it's quite difficult if you don't have knowledge about the combination and what to propose to the customer because the prices are fixed to a certain extent.

Continue to create and support together from Yokohama

What kind of position do you want the Yokohama office to have within Beyond?

Tomo Tsuku.

*Abbreviation for Beyond's corporate philosophy "Creating together and continuing to support"

Not many people use it abbreviated (lol)

I want it to feel lively. Also sharp. I think Yokohama has to become a leader.

I agree. Do you have any ideas about what kind of development projects you would like to undertake?

This hasn't been decided yet, but we've been talking about it, and Mr. Matsuyama can also develop the client side, so I'd like to work on the entire development of the app, including the server side.

I would like them to take care of infrastructure and development. Do you have an ideal idea for Beyond to become a company like this?

Mr. Haraoka (CEO) and I often say that there are no companies that place emphasis on MSP. Our stance is to stay close to our customers. Our strength lies in the fact that when a service that we take for granted is no longer available, we fix it whether it's during the day or at night, and because we take it for granted that we can use it, it doesn't stand out, but there are so many people who are able to think from the customer's perspective.

That's why I think the development team would like to carry out their work with that same feeling. I'm sure Mr. Matsuyama will do the same.

Well, I think development should become the pillar of the company.

I think it's a great thing to take pride in infrastructure, and I want development to become another pillar of infrastructure. That's the field that Matsuyama-san and I have worked in up until now.

Let's boost the development of Beyond! and.

Development is a star.

I wonder if it's a flower shape?

Well, it's going to be a muddy and unglamorous job. Things don't always go well. Still, I think it's a star.

Is there anything you would like to do as you proceed with such development?

There are a lot of them. In the future, I'd like to consider starting our own service in Yokohama, and I think we'd like to build a strong organization.

I hear that your own service like Apmil is coming from Yokohama, so I'm looking forward to it! What about Matsuyama-san?

The reason I change jobs is because the people I work with are not a good fit, so I wondered if I would be able to get along well with Mr. Sato.

I'm not convinced yet (lol)


I want to do well.

That's important (lol)

Not yet, I feel like I'm just making arrangements here (lol) because I'm not in the office that much. We don't meet.

We don't really do anything together.

Nowadays, I mostly work on my own.

I want to know more about servers in case a project comes along, I want to know the latest information about clients, and I am studying technical matters.

We're not old enough to say "I'm studying!" (lol) I don't know, but we have no choice but to do it while we're at it!

I'm looking forward to seeing how Beyond will change in the future through development and MSP, and I have to do my best as well! I felt that. I look forward to the future of the Yokohama office. Thank you very much for today!

Development is also left entirely to Beyond.

Our company used to say that we would "take care of all things server-related," we will work hard to create an organization that allows people to take part in development as well In addition to our three offices in Osaka, Shikoku, and Yokohama, we will also be opening our office in Canada By leveraging our strength of being able to be monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by engineers, we would like to grow so that we can support our services in the future development field as well!

Beyond service page

Game API/WebAPI development (server side development)

Web system development

Appmill for GAME

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The person who wrote this article

About the author

Fujisawa Umi

Joined Beyond mid-career in November 2017.
He jumped into the IT industry with no experience from behind the scenes in the comedy industry.
He is in charge of public relations, recruitment, and marketing, and is also addicted to making YouTube videos.
He is an AWS practitioner and he has managed to obtain the AZ-900 (Azure) certification.
He likes PreCure and muscle training.