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Try installing Concrete5 on CentOS6.7

My name is Ito and I am an infrastructure engineer.

Our customers operate a variety of websites.
Of course, some of them use CMS, so there are many opportunities to interact with CMS as well as servers.

This time, I tried using Concrete5.


Download :: concrete5 Japan Japanese official website

This time, we will download the latest version as of 2016/06/23.
I think it will be saved as index.html as is, so use the "-O" option to create a zip file.

# wget http://www.concrete5.org/download_file/-/view/89071/ -O concrete5.zip # unzip concrete5.zip # mv concrete5.7.5.8/* /var/www/public_html/

Move the unzipped file to the directory where you want to publish it.

As a side note, there are two ways to use compressed files: ``expanding'' and ``unzipping'', but ``unzipping'' seems to be outdated. .

Creating and configuring the database

Let's create a DB to use for Concrete5.

If it is not an empty database, you will be annoyed during installation.
This time we will use a database called "concrete5".

# mysql> create database concrete5; # mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +------------ ---------+ | information_schema | | concrete5 | | mysql | | test | +-------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Set a password. This time it's "concuser".

# mysql > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON concrete5.* TO 'concuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '******' WITH GRANT OPTION;

*Please change the password as appropriate.

So, I don't think you can use mysql with the default settings, but
Concrete5 requires the DB to be used in UTF8.

The character set (connection collation) of the database table must be "utf8_general_ci".
Reference site: Installation preparation :: concrete5 Japan Japanese official website

Let's check it out.

# mysql> SELECT @@character_set_database, @@collation_database; +--------------------------+---------- ------------+ | @@character_set_database | @@collation_database | +--------------------------+ ----------------------+ | latin1 | latin1_swedish_ci | +--------------------- -----+----------------------+

No way! By the way, this is the state when mysql is run by default.
It's now latin.

# mysql> alter database concrete5 character set utf8; # mysql> use concrete5 Database changed # mysql> SELECT @@character_set_database, @@collation_database; +-------------------- ------+----------------------+ | @@character_set_database | @@collation_database | +---------- ----------------+----------------------+ | utf8 | utf8_general_ci | +---- ----------------------+----------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Now it's UTF8!
Let's change my.cnf.

# vim /etc/my.cnf character-set-server = utf8 default-character-set=utf8 # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Now you're ready!
Set up Apache's VirtualHost and try accessing it.

SnapCrab_Install concrete5 - Google Chrome_2016-6-27_22-0-43_No-00
This is the installation screen. Select the language and click "Choose Language".

Install SnapCrab_concrete5 - Google Chrome_2016-6-27_22-0-54_No-00Are the items required for installation installed?
If there are any problems, correct them and select "Continue installation".

Install SnapCrab_concrete5 - Google Chrome_2016-6-27_22-5-59_No-00Enter the information required for installation. Site information and administrator information can be changed later.
If you want to create a complete site from scratch, install a sample site with ``Blank Site'', or if you are not familiar with it, install a sample site with ``Full Site''.
After filling in the necessary information, click "Install concrete5".

SnapCrab_Install concrete5 - Google Chrome_2016-6-27_22-7-6_No-00
Installation in progress. . Let's wait a while.

SnapCrab_Install concrete5 - Google Chrome_2016-6-27_22-8-42_No-00
This is a notification that the installation is complete. Click "Open site".

SnapCrab_concrete5_test Home - Google Chrome_2016-6-27_22-8-51_No-00
Congratulations! !

So, I was able to install Concrete5! !
Yeah, it's easy.

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