[Ansible] I wrote a playbook to build an AWS network
Hello. It's been a long time.
This is Shimeji from the SS team.
Today I'm going to talk about a playbook that uses Ansible to build an AWS network.
*My senior author has written an article about building an AWS network using his Terraform and CloudFormation, so I would like to write about it as well.
The network we will build this time will have the following form.
Directory structure
The directory structure of the playbook is as follows.
├── README.md ├── ansible.cfg ├── hosts ├── roles │ └── aws_vpc │ ├── tasks │ │ └── main.yml │ └── vars │ └── main.yml └── vpc_create.yml
inventory file
root@DESKTOP-MOGIJIA:/opt/playbook/aws-vpc-2layer# cat hosts [localhost]
Please specify the local host in the inventory file.
Ansible allows playbooks to be modularized into units called "Role".
This time, we will create a separate Role called "aws_vpc" and include it from the main playbook.
root@DESKTOP-MOGIJIA:/opt/playbook/aws-vpc-2layer# cat roles/aws_vpc/tasks/main.yml --- # tasks file for aws_vpc - name: create_vpc ec2_vpc_net: name: "{{ vpc_name }}" cidr_block: "{{ vpc_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" dns_hostnames: yes dns_support: yes register: vpc_info # PUBLIC_SUBNET creation - name: create_public_subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_info.vpc.id }}" cidr : "{{ item.pub_subnet_cidr }}" az: "{{ item.subnet_az }}" region: "{{ region }}" resource_tags: { "Name":"{{ item.pub_subnet_name }}" } register: pubsub_info with_items: - "{{ pub_subnet }}" # PRIVATE_SUBNET creation - name: create_private_subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_info.vpc.id }}" cidr: "{{ item.pri_subnet_cidr }}" az: "{{ item. subnet_az }}" region: "{{ region }}" resource_tags: { "Name":"{{ item.pri_subnet_name }}" } register: prisub_info with_items: - "{{ pri_subnet }}" # Create IGW - name: create_igw ec2_vpc_igw: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_info.vpc.id }}" region: "{{ region }}" tags: { "Name":"{{ igw_name }}" } register: igw_info # ROUTETABLE creation (IGW) - name : create_route_table ec2_vpc_route_table: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_info.vpc.id }}" subnets: "{{ atache_igw_subnet }}" routes: - dest: gateway_id: "{{ igw_info.gateway_id }}" region: " {{ region }}" resource_tags: { "Name":"{{ rttable_pub_name }}" }
Ansible allows you to build AWS VPCs, subnets, internet gateways, etc. by using the "ec2_vpc_xxx" module.
Also, we will convert various values into variables so that we can change them later.
Defining variables
root@DESKTOP-MOGIJIA:/opt/playbook/aws-vpc-2layer# cat roles/aws_vpc/vars/main.yml --- # vars file for aws_vpc # REGION region: "ap-northeast-1" # VPC vpc_name: "shimeji-wd-vpc" vpc_cidr: "" # IGW igw_name: "shimeji-igw" # ROUTETABLE(PUBLIC) rttable_pub_name: "shimeji-pub-rt" # PUBLIC_SUBNET pub_subnet: - { pub_subnet_cidr: "10.0. 10.0/24" ,subnet_az: "ap-northeast-1a" ,pub_subnet_name: "shimeji-wd-public-subnet-a" } - { pub_subnet_cidr: "" ,subnet_az: "ap-northeast-1c" ,pub_subnet_name: "shimeji-wd-public-subnet-c" } # PRIVATE_SUBNET pri_subnet: - { pri_subnet_cidr: "" ,subnet_az: "ap-northeast-1a" ,pri_subnet_name: "shimeji-wd-private- subnet-a" } - { pri_subnet_cidr: "" ,subnet_az: "ap-northeast-1c" ,pri_subnet_name: "shimeji-wd-private-subnet-c" } # Subnet linked to IGW atache_igw_subnet: - "" - ""
This time, we will add the prefix "shimeji" to the name of each resource.
Yes, the main playbook.
Include the Role created above.
root@DESKTOP-MOGIJIA:/opt/playbook/aws-vpc-2layer# cat vpc_create.yml --- # VPC CREATE Playbook - name: create vpc subnet igw routetable hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: False become: False roles: -aws_vpc
Since we are not provisioning a server this time, "gather_facts" and "become" are unnecessary.
You are now ready.
root@DESKTOP-MOGIJIA:/opt/playbook/aws-vpc-2layer# ansible-playbook -i hosts vpc_create.yml PLAY [create vpc subnet igw routetable] **************** ************************************************** ************** TASK [aws_vpc : create_vpc] ****************************** ************************************************** ************ changed: [] TASK [aws_vpc : create_public_subnet] ************************* ************************************************** ******* changed: [] => (item={u'pub_subnet_name': u'shimeji-wd-public-subnet-a', u'subnet_az': u'ap-northeast-1a ', u'pub_subnet_cidr': u''}) changed: [] => (item={u'pub_subnet_name': u'shimeji-wd-public-subnet-c', u' subnet_az': u'ap-northeast-1c', u'pub_subnet_cidr': u''}) TASK [aws_vpc : create_private_subnet] ***************** ************************************************** ************** changed: [] => (item={u'pri_subnet_cidr': u'', u'pri_subnet_name': u'shimeji- wd-private-subnet-a', u'subnet_az': u'ap-northeast-1a'}) changed: [] => (item={u'pri_subnet_cidr': u'' , u'pri_subnet_name': u'shimeji-wd-private-subnet-c', u'subnet_az': u'ap-northeast-1c'}) TASK [aws_vpc : create_igw] ********** ************************************************** ******************************** changed: [] TASK [aws_vpc : create_route_table] ***** ************************************************** ***************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************** ************************************************** ********************************************************** : ok=5 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Yes, it's working properly.
At the end
Click here for articles by seniors I respect
■ CloudFormation
■ Terraform
https://beyondjapan.com/blog/2018/07/terraform-aws-network- module/