[Osaka/Yokohama] Looking for infrastructure/server side engineers!

[Osaka/Yokohama] Looking for infrastructure/server side engineers!

[Deployed by over 500 companies] AWS construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring services

[Deployed by over 500 companies] AWS construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring services

[Successor to CentOS] AlmaLinux OS server construction/migration service

[Successor to CentOS] AlmaLinux OS server construction/migration service

[For WordPress only] Cloud server “Web Speed”

[For WordPress only] Cloud server “Web Speed”

[Cheap] Website security automatic diagnosis “Quick Scanner”

[Cheap] Website security automatic diagnosis “Quick Scanner”

[Reservation system development] EDISONE customization development service

[Reservation system development] EDISONE customization development service

[Registration of 100 URLs is 0 yen] Website monitoring service “Appmill”

[Registration of 100 URLs is 0 yen] Website monitoring service “Appmill”

[Compatible with over 200 countries] Global eSIM “Beyond SIM”

[Compatible with over 200 countries] Global eSIM “Beyond SIM”

[If you are traveling, business trip, or stationed in China] Chinese SIM service “Choco SIM”

[If you are traveling, business trip, or stationed in China] Chinese SIM service “Choco SIM”

[Global exclusive service] Beyond's MSP in North America and China

[Global exclusive service] Beyond's MSP in North America and China

[YouTube] Beyond official channel “Biyomaru Channel”

[YouTube] Beyond official channel “Biyomaru Channel”



先日に「福岡ゲーム関連企業向け 交流会」が開催されていたので 出張で参加し、また 福岡エリアの状況も視察してきました。


福岡・博多の駅前は 都会な街並みが広がっていてて、都会的な雰囲気が漂ってます。あと福岡では西鉄バスの路線が沢山あるので、かなりの「バス大国」であることを実感します。福岡の中心に住むのであれば  移動に困らないかもしれません。

ちなみ 福岡市の商業 及び 繫華街エリアは、博多・中洲・天神・大名・薬院 が中心で、コワーキングスペースも多くあります。

福岡ゲーム関連企業 交流会

西鉄薬院駅より徒歩5分の、オシャレな会場で 交流会が開催されました。当日の交流会では 100名近くの参加者が集まっていました。福岡・九州が本社、 東京が本社の企業 とで 半々ぐらいの 割合でした。







ビヨンドでは 福岡・九州エリアのお客様・企業がご利用される、AWS などのクラウド / サーバー構築・運用(MSP)、システム開発にも対応してますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください!

この記事がお役に立てば【 いいね 】のご協力をお願いいたします!
4 票, 平均: 1.00 / 14
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[2024.6.30 CentOS support ended] CentOS server migration solution

[2024.6.30 CentOS support ended] CentOS server migration solution

[2025.6.30 Amazon Linux 2 support ended] Amazon Linux server migration solution

[2025.6.30 Amazon Linux 2 support ended] Amazon Linux server migration solution

[Osaka/Yokohama] Actively recruiting infrastructure engineers and server side engineers!

[Osaka/Yokohama] Actively recruiting infrastructure engineers and server side engineers!

The person who wrote this article

About the author


I started my career in the telecommunications industry as a salesperson in charge of introducing IT products such as NW services, OA equipment, and groupware for corporations.

After that, he worked as a pre-sales engineer for physical servers/hosting services and as a customer engineer for SaaS-type SFA/CRM/BtoB e-commerce at an SIer-based data center business company, before joining his current company, Beyond.

Currently, I am stationed in Shenzhen, China, the Silicon Valley of Asia, and my daily routine is to watch Chinese dramas and billbill.

Qualification: Second class bookkeeping