Announcements/News Topics & News Service Blog News Events [New graduates of 2025] We will bring you the details of the Beyond job offer ceremony! Hello, this is miyoshi, in charge of recruitment at Beyond. Before you know it, it's autumn. Not too long ago, there was a faint scent of summer in the air... Recruitment 2024.10.16 [Summary] After working for a year, I understand! About Beyond Co., Ltd. [Timeline of 1st year of new graduate] Hello, this is Enoki from the System Development Department. He worked at Beyond Co., Ltd. for a year, so here's a timeline of what he's done since joining... Web system developmentOsaka officeothers 2024.09.18 [News from Toronto] 🍁Enriching your life in Canada🍁 We are sorry for the inconvenience, everyone. Temperatures are getting hotter in Toronto, and while there are more fun events happening inside the office... Server construction/operationInfrastructure relatedpublic relationsRecruitmentcanada office 2024.08.07 [Recruitment event for 26 graduates] Summer internship (1 day) will be held *Recruitment has ended. *Beyond Co., Ltd. will be holding a “Summer Internship (1 day) for 26 graduates”! ... Announcements/News 2024.07.24 [Recruitment event for 26 graduates] Summer internship (3 days) will be held *Recruitment has ended. *Beyond Co., Ltd. will be holding a "Summer Internship (3 days) for 26 graduates"... Announcements/News 2024.07.22 [Media Coverage] An interview article with CEO Haraoka was published in “Daily 7 Seconds” Note ``Daily 7 Seconds Setup'' is operated by Shirakata Research Institute Co., Ltd., which provides consulting specializing in small and medium-sized venture companies. publication 2024.07.19 [Self-analysis] Isn't there only one personality? See your changing self through 16Personalities hello everyone! My name is Sakashita and I am in charge of recruitment. "16Person" has been a hot topic on social media and among friends for a while now. Recruitmentothers 2024.07.19 [Media Coverage] Beyoutoku Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. was featured in "Hong Kong Post" ``Hong Kong Post'', which provides up-to-date information to support business and life in Hong Kong, has been joined by Beyond China's local subsidiary, Beyou Tokke... publication 2024.07.11 [Media coverage] An article about a study session attended by infrastructure engineer Teraoka was published on "TECH+" Regarding the cloud infrastructure study session, infrastructure engineer Teraoka appeared on the IT technology information media "TECH+"... publication 2024.06.19 Behind the scenes of new graduate recruitment! What are the points that HR is really looking at? Hello, this is Sakashita from Beyond! The time has come to hire new graduates. Some students are still working hard on job hunting... Recruitmentothers 2024.06.13 12...11Next »