Kubernetes (K8s) design, construction, and operation services

Beyond service information

Cloud-native infrastructure development

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open source software (OSS) container orchestration technology that provides an infrastructure for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of applications.

Beyond uses cloud services compatible with Kubernetes container infrastructure and Docker for application development and execution to design infrastructure, including DevOPS and CI/CD configurations We will support construction and operation

From designing, building, and operating containers
Infrastructure scalability and availability
Shorten development cycles through automation

Kubernetes (K8s) design, construction, and operation

◆ Benefits of using Kubernetes container environment ◆

In Kubernetes, a container cluster is configured on multiple Docker hosts launched on the host OS, so when a container is run on Kubernetes, it is deployed as a replica of the same container. This allows load balancing, autoscaling, and scheduling of the infrastructure environment to be managed in an integrated manner, making it possible to achieve system operation with scalability and availability.

Beyond uses DevOPS and CI/CD technology to support everything from designing and building Kubernetes environments to operating them. Since it is multi-cloud compatible, we can support the design, construction, and operation of container infrastructure using various cloud platforms such as AWS Fargate and Amazon EKS.

  • Infrastructure scalability
    Infrastructure scalability
    Builds and deploys with minimal overhead as the host OS kernel is shared. Because you can quickly deploy the resources you need on a per-request basis, you can save money compared to building a server for each application.
  • Workflow automation
    Workflow automation
    By turning applications into microservices, we can realize system configurations that transcend the boundaries between infrastructure and applications. By automating the workflow management of system configurations, you can achieve faster development and a more scalable system.
  • Improving system operation efficiency
    Improving system operation efficiency
    Unlike traditional hypervisor environments, application deployment and scaling can be automated without applying log and data management, monitoring settings, etc. to the server and guest OS, which can be expected to improve system operation efficiency. .

◆ Beyond Kubernetes design, construction, and operation services ◆

We define the specifications and functions of systems and applications that run on the Kubernetes container platform, and provide technical support for effective infrastructure design, construction, and operation. We also support the design, construction, and operation of Kubernetes container infrastructure using Terraform and Ansible code design and construction automation tools.

    Initial cost:
    600,000 yen (excluding tax)

    Monthly cost:
    60,000 yen (excluding tax)

  • Infrastructure requirements
    hearing/configuration arrangement
  • Cloud
    network infrastructure design
  • Cloud
    service/container design
  • CI/CD
    automation design
  • Cloud
    service/container construction
  • Create code file

  • Creating a cloud
  • Create parameter sheet
  • Container operation and maintenance/monitoring
    * options

◆ Flow of Kubernetes design, construction, and operation services ◆

From the time you request Beyond's Kubernetes design, construction, and operation to the completion of the work, we anticipate a schedule of 30 to 60 business days. We provide the optimal container environment for running applications in accordance with the infrastructure configuration determined in the container design and construction plan.

Additionally, during the Kubernetes operation phase, we set up the necessary items for daily container operation, maintenance, and monitoring. We aim to ensure stable operation of the container environment through an operation, maintenance, and monitoring system that is prepared for unexpected situations, such as recovery from irregular system failures.

  1. Container design phase

    1. Container design phase
    We perform detailed container design, including selecting appropriate Kubernetes components, application design, and defining logging, backup, and security, assuming application operation.
  2. Container construction phase

    2. Container construction phase
    We build containers based on your design, including creating component manifests and Docker files. After that, we will provide you with a complete set of IaC code files, parameter sheets, and infrastructure configuration diagrams.
  3. Container operation phase

    3. Container operation phase
    We support operations such as system/application monitoring, 24/7 operational maintenance/monitoring, and container environment settings, changes, and additions in conjunction with application updates and feature additions.

*The above work content and work process is an example. The content and process of Kubernetes design, construction, and operation may change depending on various conditions such as system and application specifications, functions, and configurations. Please contact us separately for details.

Introduction examples and achievements related to Kubernetes (K8s) design, construction, and operation

Frequently asked questions about Kubernetes (K8s) design, construction, and operation

Is it possible to design, build, and operate Kubernetes and Docker containers?

Is it possible to design, build, and operate Kubernetes and Docker containers?

Yes, Beyond supports the design, construction, operation and maintenance of Kubernetes and Docker container environments.

We have a track record of designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the following container environments. Please contact us separately for details.

◇ Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) + AWS Fargate
◇ Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) + AWS Fargate
◇ Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
◇ Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)
◇ Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)

● AWS cloud integration
● Kubernetes (k8s) design, construction, and operation

Is there a volume discount for monthly costs for operation, maintenance and monitoring?

Is there a volume discount for monthly costs for operation, maintenance and monitoring?

If there are a large number of servers (hosts) or roles that are subject to cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring, volume discounts may be applicable.

Please contact us using the contact form

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Do I need to pay an initial fee even if I take over operation, maintenance, and monitoring from my company or another company?

Do I need to pay an initial fee even if I take over operation, maintenance, and monitoring from my company or another company?

Yes, an initial fee from Beyond is required.

Even when inheriting a server environment from your own company or another company, the following initial work is involved.

◇ Installing Beyond's monitoring server (Zabbix) agent on the server environment to be monitored
◇ Setting alert thresholds for the monitoring server
◇ Examining the settings of the existing server environment

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Is it possible to design and build CI/CD/DevOPS pipelines?

Is it possible to design and build CI/CD/DevOPS pipelines?

Yes, we also provide design, construction, and technical support for CI/CD and DevOPS pipelines using tools such as Jenkins, CircleCI, Ansible, and Terraform.

● AWS cloud integration
● Kubernetes (k8s) design, construction, and operation

Please tell me the process of server data migration.

Please tell me the process of server data migration.

When migrating from the current server to the cloud, select a new cloud/server to introduce, thoroughly identify bottlenecks and risks during data migration, and consider data synchronization methods for databases and content, system downtime, and DNS switching. We will finalize the work process and schedule up to work and operation confirmation.

Server data migration work process (example)
beyond work 1. Interview/definition
2. Investigation of the current server environment *Connection information to the current server is required
3. Adjustment of schedule for data migration
4. Design and construction of new server environment for data migration (machine setup, OS/middleware installation) etc.)
5. First time of data migration from current server to new server (importing full data)
6. Service/system operation check (first time)
7. Second time of data migration from current server to new server (importing differential data) (Import) * Maintenance that involves system outage
8. Service/system operation check (2nd time)
9. DNS server record switching/direction change * Or carried out by the customer
10. Creation of new server parameter sheet
Customer work 1. Adjusting the schedule for data migration2
. Applying for a new server3
. Program modification and version upgrade work for current services and systems *Please respond as necessary4. Creation of
maintenance page *As this will involve a system outage, Please prepare as necessary.
5. Switch records and change direction of DNS server *Or carry out at Beyond
6. Confirm service/system operation
7. Removal/cancellation of current server

*The above server migration/migration work process is an example.
The method of server migration will vary depending on the customer's system environment, so we will respond in a method that suits the customer's needs. *This service requires a separate fee for server data migration. Please see below for details.

● Cloud/server migration/migration

Please tell me the lineup of compatible clouds/servers.

Please tell me the lineup of compatible clouds/servers.

Regardless of the cloud/server platform, such as AWS, Google Cloud (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud (OCI), IDCF Cloud, etc., we provide the optimal cloud/server environment according to customer needs. Please leave the construction and operation of a multi-cloud configuration to us.

Please see below for details on compatible clouds/servers.

● List of cloud partners/cloud compatibility
● List of cyber security compatibility

Please tell me about the security system for cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

Please tell me about the security system for cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

We handle cloud/server operation, maintenance, and monitoring based on the basic information security policy of ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001:2013), an international standard for third-party certification

Obtained "ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)" certification, an international standard for third-party certification of information security management systems.

◇ Three bases for operation, maintenance and monitoring:
Osaka, Shikoku and Canada.

◇ In-house network environment for operation, maintenance, and monitoring
are connected via a dedicated network line and fixed IP address for operation, maintenance, and monitoring work.
Anti-virus software is installed on all employees' PC terminals.

◇ 3-shift system for operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(including night hours, weekends, and holidays)

◇ Response to OS/middleware vulnerabilities
Collection and deployment of OS/middleware vulnerability information provided by JPCERT/CC

No one other than those involved will be allowed to enter the office (entry/exit management using security card authentication)

● Cloud/server operation maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation and monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Can you help me migrate server data from an existing server?

Can you help me migrate server data from an existing server?

Yes, we accept work to migrate server data from on-premises, physical servers, and legacy system environments to cloud environments.

In addition to migrating data to a new cloud environment, we also thoroughly check whether the data in the database is reflected without any problems and whether there are any problems with the operation of services and content.

*Please note that a separate server data migration fee is required for server data migration.

● Cloud/server migration/migration

Please tell me the monitoring tools for operation and maintenance/monitoring.

Please tell me the monitoring tools for operation and maintenance/monitoring.

The monitoring tool used for cloud server operation, maintenance, and monitoring uses Zabbix

* Amazon CloudWatch is also available upon customer request.

● Cloud/server operation and maintenance/monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server operation and monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● North American cloud/server construction, operation and maintenance

What kind of applications are the services provided by Beyond suitable for?

What kind of applications are the services provided by Beyond suitable for?

Web services such as games, apps, EC sites, media sites, and digital content require speed and flexibility, and are suitable for companies that operate services that are directly linked to sales, and for content development and management. This is probably suitable for companies that want to concentrate, or companies that do not have a server administrator in the first place.

Additionally, there is a tendency for companies facing such issues to outsource their services to MSPs (managed service providers) like Beyond, which specialize in cloud/server construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring.

● Cloud / server design and construction
● Cloud / server operation maintenance and monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud / server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS cloud integration
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server migration/migration
● North American cloud/server construction/operation/maintenance

Does it support the construction and operation of large-scale infrastructure?

Does it support the construction and operation of large-scale infrastructure?

Yes, we specialize in the construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of infrastructure environments used for large-scale web service systems.

We support the design, construction, and 24/7 operation, maintenance, and monitoring of infrastructure environments involving dozens or hundreds of servers (hosts). Of course, if the minimum number of servers is required, we can accept orders from just one server.

● Cloud / server design and construction
● Cloud / server operation maintenance and monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud / server operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● AWS cloud integration
● AWS operation monitoring service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
● Cloud/server migration/migration
● North American cloud/server construction/operation/maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions See list